Warning: Much rambling ahead!

Apr 13, 2007 18:23

**drool** Ohhh, that was tasty.  Just stuffed my face on a lovely platterful of Stilton cheese, smoked oysters and some Ritz crackers.  I don't care if they're stinky and smelly, Stilton and smoked oysters have to be some of the finest snacky-foods on the planet.  And I worked HARD today; I deserved 'em!

Happy Friday The 13th, y'all, those of you who survived.  **ysabet takes off Virtual!Hat and holds it to her chest reverently for a moment of silence**  Apparently Loki was active with my computer at work today; looks like Microsoft's got some sort of new bug/glitch/STD, and our IT department announced that 'security protocols will be severely upgraded over the weekend.'  Aaagh.  Keeping me from being able to access LJ during work is bad enough...

Hey, guess what?  If you hold a ferret up to the top of an aquarium, the ferret (if it's my little brown boy Kit, anyway) will shove his whole head underwater!  And apparently try to bob for guppies!  Icka and I found this out a few nights ago.  Freaks; all my pets are freaks.  But at least they're cuddly, furry, loving freaks, even if they do think that they can snorkle.  I should NEVER have named that weasle after a Japanese trickster-spirit.

Been doing more reading than writing lately, due to being severely stuck on the Domino Effect YGO AU; looks like (if my sample bit of writing gets approved by the group) I'll be playing the part of Serenity Wheeler, who in this case is Joey Wheeler's twin. Neeeeeeeeeat... Man, I like the character much better in DE than I do in the original series-- she has cojones.  She's also short and redheaded, something I find severely amusing since *I'm* short and redheaded.  I have about a page and a half of the sample thing done so far; am just waiting for some info regarding whatever plans were originally made for the character by the group and by the person who played her before me.  Sure hope this works; looks like a whole hell of a lot of fun.  Heh heh; I get to have virtual breasts via my character, even if I don't have real ones anymore!  **snerk**

Job-hunting's still going on, and I'm getting more than a little discouraged.  Guess it's sort of a good thing that I'm still at my old job, and I am DAMN glad that I didn't give notice in January as originally planned; I'd be really up shit creek right now if I had.  But I need, need, need to find a job in Florida!  And I need to move.  I spoke to Donna the other night, and there's no use fooling myself; if she's here in 6 months I'll be surprised.  The tumors in her liver have multiplied, and one of them's big enough that it's giving her a good bit of pain (they've got her on the Good Drugs though, so she's dealing with it okay.)  She's a little scared and it makes her snappish; she and my mom have been fighting tooth-and-nail lately, which is sad...  I keep feeling that I should be more upset than I am; it's not that I'm not-- I mean, she's *dying*-- but I guess we've known about it, all of us, for so long that it's like wearing down a sharp corner.  You can only freak out so much.  When the time comes, I'll go all to pieces and I know I will, but right now it's best just to keep going, I guess.  I think that's how she's dealing with it too; and I think that maybe she's curious in a way as well.  When there's not much choice about what's going to happen next, you have to start wondering what's around the corner that you can't quite see yet, don't you?

Right.  Okay, onward.

Other stuff...  via Domino Effect I ran across a t-shirt company at www.threadless.com that needs to be seen to be believed; I *WANT* some of 'em!  Nice stuff, and some of the designs made me laugh until I was damn near sick.  Go, check it out!  Also, I've been poking around for rings for my right-ear cartilage piercing-- captive bead rings, mostly-- and lo and behold, they've got them for sale on www.amazon.com, believe it or not, for good prices.  So now I have four niobium rings on their way to me, silver and black and green and cobalt in 18-gauge since the piercing's pretty small-bore as yet.  Wish I had used a larger needle, but when you're doing it yourself with household implements you have to use what's available.  Might have to repierce it; dunno yet.  At least it's nice and healthy.  I really like the captive bead rings, though, especially since you can change the beads out.  Pretty!

Wow, that sounds odd after soberly discussing my sister's illness.  But this is why I understand my ferrets so well; I think about things and then move on to the next topic, no matter what.  Shallow much?  Sometimes maybe.  But what's the sense in brooding?

I'd love to be back in Panama City right now; spring in Florida on the Emerald Coast can be so beautiful, with the water warming and all the tupelo trees starting to bloom.  The dogwoods and redbuds will be full of flowers soon too, and the early azaleas.  It'll be strange, being back there now that my mom has sold her house; no more going home and poking around the yard, because it's not hers anymore.  I hope whoever bought it keeps the fruit trees in the back yard; I ate an awful lot of pears and kumquats and figs from there, not to mention the blueberry bushes and the grape arbor.  And the pecan tree!

Okay, this has been a very unorganized ramble of a post.  But I haven't made one in a while, soooo... anyway.  Again, happy Friday, everybody.

domino effect, furpersons

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