MMMmmmmmm..... **licks fingers**

Mar 10, 2007 21:19

**highly pleased with self** I just cooked a trial-run batch of Chocolate Lava Cakes, and me and Icka have been stuffing our faces on 'em.  They came out pretty damn good, if I say so myself-- okay, I *might've* overcooked them by possibly two minutes, so tomorrow when I do the larger batch for my SCA household get-together, I'll remember that.  All in all, though....... oooohhhhh yeeeessssssss.....  Much better, and I think I'd need a cold shower.  Here's the recipe; for the ones I made, it'll make roughly a dozen about 4" across and 3" high.  The butter-sugar dusting on the insides of the pans makes a nice, crisp crust on the outside.
Hill Seafood and Chop House Molten Lava Cake Butter and sugar for ramekins
1/2 lb. bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
1/2 lb. unsalted butter
6 whole eggs
1 1/2 C. sugar
1/2 C. flour

Preheat the oven to 400°F. Butter the bottom and sides of 15 4-ounce ramekins and sprinkle with sugar, tapping them to remove excess sugar. Set aside.

In the top of a double boiler or heavy bowl set over (but not touching) simmering water, melt the chocolate and butter. Whisk until thoroughly melted and combined.

Meanwhile, in a large bowl whisk together the eggs, sugar and flour until just blended. Gradually whisk the chocolate mixture into the egg mixture until combined.

Evenly divide the mixture between the prepared ramekins, using about 1/3 cup for each ramekin. Place the ramekins on a baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes or until the tops are firm and beginning to crack and the edges are set. Remove from oven and serve immediately with your favorite ice cream.
Yep, it's good.  Remarkably easy to do, too, though the double-boiler (what I grew up in the Deep South calling a 'bain marie', a water-bath, I think) makes things a little tricky.

Heh; I now have remarkably bright, coppery hair.  Decided it was time to renew my red-with-brownish-highlights (as opposed to my brown-with-reddish-highlights that Nature supplied me with) coloring, especially after Icka oh so kindly pointed out SILVERY strands in the middle (**shudder**), and I succumbed to the lure of a streaking kit.  Sooooo... very red with goldish streaks; kind of nice, though, but MAN it's bright.  If I decide it's *too* bright, I'll tone it down a bit tomorrow night.

What is it about Spring that makes me want to change my appearance?  I did the hair; I've been thinking about extending my oak-twig tattoo on my left hand for days now (even sketched a possible addition to it with a green ink-pen onto my hand the other day), and I was considering a completely new tattoo yesterday.  I like body-art; I'd love it if somebody'd manage to work out really metallic inks, because if they did then I'd have a nice filigree bracelet done in gold around my wrist.  Oh well, someday...  No new piercings; six is enough for the moment.  Now, losing some weight would be a good change...

...and what did I just cook?

Oh well.  **snicker**  I'd rather be chunky and enjoying my chocolate than model-thin and having to watch every mouthful; what an awful way to live!


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