Feb 14, 2008 13:11
Let it be known...I love conversation hearts. I don't care what you say. They are like barely flavored, sweet, delicious chalk that say "Fax Me".
It's Valentine's Day. Singles' Awareness Day. Whatever you want to call it. It's also one week until the Spice Girls Concert! You only wish you were this cool.
My life has been looking up over the past couple of weeks. The new job. The concert. The awesome game I'm involved in. (For which I wrote some character background which made my GM respond with ROFL. I may post it here later because it's so damn creative and funny.) I hope things continue in this vein. Not to sound selfish and entitled, but I think I deserve a little awesome, as does everyone. It's been a difficult year or so, and it's nice to have things coming together, at least a little bit.
I need some new lj icons. Where do you get yours? Also, I'd really love one involving Brad Neely's Washington. Twelve Stories High, Made of Radiation. ^_^ I started an application for a job at Mt. Vernon before I got news about the library job and it's a good thing I didn't go there, because I would have gone around singing that song all day. To everyone who would have listened. And the job was an assistant education outreach director, so basically I would have told the world that Washington killed his sensei in a duel and he never said why and IT WOULD HAVE BEEN TRUE BECAUSE SOMEONE FROM MT VERNON SAID IT.
I have been watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles for Summer Glau. (And the kid isn't bad looking, in a jail-baity way) I haven't seen any of the movies and I missed half an episode so I have no idea what's going on. But Summer punched through the window of an armored van and that was pretty cool. I don't think it's going to hold my attention much longer, unless Netflix manages to send me the movie already. It's listed as a very long wait but it's been at the top of the queue for at least two weeks.
Once my schedule settles a bit, a night on the town is in order as are some movie nights and things.
Also, River has a profile on CatBook, so be her friend or she will kill you with her brain.