Words and communication...

Oct 04, 2011 14:25

This week has been a weird week wherein if things have not been specified down to the nth degree, then the wrong thing happens. The worst is when I am trying to be a middleman for things I have no knowledge of (like the restaurant's fire suppression system). It just feels like a Virgo Week. Like... if things are not exact and the details SO clear at to rule out any error, then everything has to be done two or three times before it is correct.

This is the most difficult thing for me. I think I am SUCH a clear communicator. And part of being a clear communicator is understanding BOTH the message and the person you want to give your message so you can communicate in a way they understand. It's just been one of those weeks where it feels like my communication style is all wrong for the message recipient. I am so focused on what I want to do, what I need to do, that I am also not feeling very patient about the whole thing either.

Oh well, hopefully whatever is cosmically amiss will clear up soon!
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