A quiet day... whew!

Jul 15, 2011 14:14

The state of me...

Things are really more exciting and wonderful than I am probably expressing in my angsty "OMG! Opening a restaurant is HARD!" posts of late. It IS really hard. In some ways, shockingly and depressingly so.

BUT... most restaurants take 18 months to open and I am WAY ahead of the curve clocking in at lease-signing in February and realistically looking to open in the next 6-8 weeks. As much as I complain, I am so lucky to have had such an easy time with ABC and the Health Department. They were professional and helpful advocates of my small business, for which I am deeply deeply grateful. So was Contra Costa Fire.

I've gotten some really fantastic restaurant/winery clients for my charcuterie (even if... well none of them have actually paid for anything yet lol... they've ORDERED tho) and truly humbling press (in a good way!) and attention for my salumi.

I have a Stein. He is the best sous chef and work-partner in the whole world and with my trusty Stein by my side, I know I can do anything. We seriously ARE going to conquer the world if given half a chance.

I have a Brion. He has done everything in his power to help, support and nurture me thru this stressful time. So have all of our friends and family. It's been a truly humbling experience (once again in a good way) to see my friends jump at the chance to help me in any way they can. I would be typing for days if I tried to list everything everyone has done.

I got offered admittance to the order of the Pelican AND I am getting a dress that I've always wanted made by Erzabeta, one of the most talented seamstresses I know AND as a freakishly cool bonus... a hemd (shirt) made by none other than Mistress Aldith herself! I know... I know... I am totally not worthy LOL, but I am going to take it!!! You cannot imagine how lucky I feel to have these two supremely talented women making me clothing! They are both true artists and I can't wait to see what they were inspired to make!

We had a blast with JIMR and Andrew at the Tiki Bar last night. They had this HYSTERICAL band called Messuga Beach Party that were all wearing these giant black beards (I think they were trying to look hassidic, but they just looked like Brion Wilson from the Giants). Gislane and Krysta and Jax came too. It was too crowded to stay long but it was nice to get out and have fruity rum drinks.

I am surrounded by love, with Mary and Galen running around in the mornings. The kids in and out. Brion to snuggle with at night. Stein to plot world domination with. My friends to hang out with. I guess sometimes I get nervous about so much good fortune in my life. But then I wonder.... I mean bad stuff happens to me too, but I think I do try to focus on the good things as much as possible. I guess it is the good Irish Catholic girl in me, even if I have a lot of issues with how human beings co-opt god for their own selfish purposes, I still feel a loving and kind universe looking out for me... like a positive energy that flows if we let it... if we look for, nurture and respect it. It is good to feel that chi or life energy all around us... comforting.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
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