Sooo tired

May 06, 2011 23:29

So much to do lately... this whole work thing (especially with no real paycheck in site) is tiring! thankfully I love it.

We made four sausages today: The Compass Dog (which is a super yummy 100% beef hotdog), Andouille, orange fennel (pork) and a seafood one (that I was really happy on the consistantcy etc, light and fluffy!). All four will be sampled by T-rex next week with the bulk of them coming to Mists/Cynagua war for the Pot Luck with The Principality Royals (so if you've been wanting to try some Compass Star sausages, you can for free if you stay for dinner Saturday of the War! Bring a side dish to pass pretty please... ok so ALMOST free).

I also found... a freakishly cool spice shop today. Tucked in a hidden corner behind the 99 Ranch in Concord. They had Mustard oil! OH YEAH baby... mostarda here I come! I spend about $30 on a giant bag of every kind of spice imaginable. Including a GIANT bag of mustard seeds (they had giants bags of both black and regular mustard seeds). Stein showed me where it was... I am not sure you could find it if you didn't know somoene who knew where it was? You can't even see it from the front of the building.

We still have not heard anything about the work the landlord has to have done on the building. The engineer had taken all the measurements last week and was putting them into his CAD program and hopefully we will hear something soon. David seems to be losing patience with the project as well, which is stressful. He has been SO good about everything. I just need to stay focused. I feel a lot better after making the decision to rent a kitchen and test out the local food vendor scene. Plus the busy wedding season is right around the corner.

Stein and I are having a ton of fun making sausages, and I am really proud of our product. I guess there is no use sitting around moping about the delay in the restaurant... it won't make it open any faster. At least I don't have to pay the lease while I am waiting (so far). I've been doing my best to get all of my ducks in a row. It's just such an insane process when everything goes RIGHT. All it takes is one anti-business building department to bump it up to damn nigh impossible. I am actually feeling remarkably ok considering my innate loathing of arbitrary inept processes. Ok, time for bed... catering a fancy pants dinner for 10 in the City tomorrow night. Whew!
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