I should be working...

Apr 25, 2011 14:10

Bad Rachael... no biscuit.

I did get the pickling done this morning, go me! I also stopped by the Middle Eastern grocery and grabbed some lebneh and green almonds, plus black peppers for the chocolate chili sausages Stein and I will make this week. I also got my class hand out written for the sausage class I am teaching tomorrow night at the Jr College. I am really excited about it! I get to do a lecture and then hands on sausage making. I need to bring my stuffer and not forget the clamp that hooks it to the counter this time. I may bring in some of the unusual spices I picked up in Seattle as well to inspire the young chefs :)

I also ordered my product for pick up in Oakland tomorrow. Stein and I will head out in the morning to grab it and likely put the bresaola and capicola into cure, and then prep the rest of the meat for grinding and stuffing. Then I will have to go set up the class, including get copies made, put my books and things aside so the kids can check them out. I also need to grab some of the staple products, like curing salt etc. so we can chat about what they are and what they do.

I am going to finalize Sabrina's menu for this weekend tonight. I can use some of the sausage to make some scotch eggs for the weekend. I think we are going to have a very full house with some of the members of Kitka camping with us, plus so many visitors in camp for Sabrina's laureling. I need to probably plan finger foods for 50-70 in the afternoon. I will get things plated as best I can and prepped out to the fullest before I leave so I can spend as much time as possible at the Saluminati meeting. I can get people to put stuff out, but my aesthetic for food is something I can be really picky about, so I should prep out pretty well and go over everything with people in camp so they can set stuff out and all I have to do is some finish work when I get there.

I would also like to maybe send some snacks over to the Bard of the West Competition if I can remember. I am pretty excited about the lengths to which the Kingdom (thank you again Haus Schweitzengen) is going to support Bardic activities this weekend and I hope the people who have been missing the Eric-side bardic can come out and enjoy the many glorious activites planned. It must seem a little funny for me to be so invested in supporting bringing that aspect back in a bigger way, since I am not a bard. But I feel partially responsible for the introduction of the torch lit raging keggers on the Eric that seem to have shouted down these artistic evening explorations and sharings... so I also feel like I should do my best to show some love for the things that make other people happy (in particular my SCA family).

ALSO! There have been some West Kingdom web site hiccups and Saeunn has been getting out the word on the Competitions for Beltane. I am going to do the Wooden Spoon Crispy competition... but I know it is supposed to be anonymous so I will try not to let it slip which item is mine :)

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