Fifty-Fifth Cross - [Accidental Video]

Oct 15, 2009 16:50

[See Cecil sit. He's got new post-its on his wall. But that's not the main thing right now. Cecil's red eyes stare around, wide and observing. He sits next to his communicator, looking straight at a wall... and then Credo's footsteps head over.

On the other side of the bars, the officer walks a bit into view. Cecil stands up; there's something dark and metallic in his hand.

You there! Are you alright?

[Cecil moves quickly. The communicator skids from his foot to reveal--in a dizzying motion--Cecil lifting up the gun and firing in Credo's general direction. The man gives out a cry of pain and drops to one leg. As the communicator bumps against the wall and stops, Credo's clutching his leg. He's been shot.

The shell casing drops to the ground, and Cecil lifts his hand up again, this time aiming for his head.]

Freedom. I want it.

[[ooc: Comment log for Credo and Kaye. No responses from Cecil. Calling to Cecil's noooot going to work. Sorry guys, he's more nuts than usual.]]

appropriate gun icon!, yes that's a natural color, failure is never an option, credo, we're all mad here?, cecil's a batshit little boy

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