Originally published at
orodor.org.uk. Please leave any
comments there.
The end of this month sees the sixth anniversary of me owning orodor.org.uk and it’s quite sad to think that even at only one post a month, this is probably the most successful incarnation of the site to date.
I’ve decided that I need to make more of an effort in order to encourage myself I’ve upgraded my account with
5quidhost, trebling the available disk space and allowing unlimited bandwidth, which should allow me to make the site a bit fancier and hopefully attract more than my usual eight readers!
I’ve also been having thoughts about expanding the subject area slightly, so far my posts have been very Cerebral Palsy centric. I think I’d like to move into some other loosely related topics in particular health, diet and fitness which are all subjects that I’m quite interested in, hopefully doing so will allow me to put together more than one post a month and give this site a little more purpose than it has at the moment.