В №4 украинского журнала "Новое Время" от 6 февраля 2015 года опубликована статейка редактора отдела истории и книжного обозревателя Олега Шамы "Гибридная война кайзера. Как Германия с помощью большевиков организовала революцию в России" (
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Revilo Oliver was a good friend of mine and he was one of the founders of the JBS. He and I were sitting in his living room once and he told me that he knew Nelson Rockefeller ran the Birch Society because he had a revolving fund at Chase Manhattan Bank, and whenever Welch needed a quarter million dollars to meet the payroll, he'd go to CMB and withdraw the money.
Oliver told you that?
Himself. One of the founders, can't ask for better authority than that.
... What about Jews? Are you an anti-semite?
I've always tried to defend that. When I went to New York in 1952, I met a lot of very Conservative Jews, Henry Klein, Benjamin Freedman and others, and they were real Jews by faith and race. The real Jews were Orthodox Jews, and they've believed for 2000 years that there can be no Jewish kingdom on earth until the coming of the Messiah. Of course, they refuse to admit that Jesus was the Messiah, so no Jewish kingdom ...
In 1810, the Rothschilds began to push for a country for the Jews, so they created a new brand of Judaism called Reform Judaism which would establish a new Jewish country, which is now Israel. Only the Rothschilds could do that because to create a worldwide movement costs a lot of money.
Theodor Herzl's The Jewish State was originally called Address to the Rothschilds
They financed Karl Marx and the League of Just Men, too. They financed Judaism, Communism and Nazism. Their goal has been constant, and you can't succeed unless you have goals. (chuckles)
... What's gonna happen to Bush?
He's no FDR, they can't elect him four times. He'll be forgotten quickly. His father'd be forgotten except that his son is president.
Speaking of Skull and Bones, did you know Anthony Sutton at all?
I knew him well. I traveled with him for years.
His scholarship was very good. He was at the Hoover Institution, which was a Rothschild setup. It was setup after WWI to rewrite history. The Rothschilds sent hundreds of people through Europe after the war, through all the war-torn countries, to gather up as many records as they could so they could control their version of history.
Was that Sutton's take, too?
Well, I always considered Tony to be British Intelligence. He died last year, but I hadn't seen him in several years because he was on the lam for eight years. He'd embezzled money from several people, promising to write books and never wrote them.
Дело не в том, что он человек Ротшильдов, в указанном отрывке его вообще соотносят с английскими спецслужбами.
А в том, что Саттон врёт. Отрывок вам дан именно как пример того. А так же как повод задуматься о том, почему ваша манера задавать вопросы может вызывать брезгливость и достоверно выдаёт в вас фрика, а не искренне любознательного человека.
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