1 knot.

Jul 03, 2011 19:47

[Video Post]

[A man-- burly, dark haired, shirtless, hairy and lightly scarred with tiny brown wings flapping excitedly at his back-- can be seen holding what can only be his journal out in front of him. He is wide-eyed with curiosity and more than a little confusion ( Read more... )

!miss buffy, !ickle archiekins, !cpt. jack sparrow, video post, calling all boats, !mr mccoy, where my sailors at, sos: save our sailor, a sailor in need, whoops, !hubert ozwell, watchamadoodle, !selphie, other sailor puns, what does this mean???

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[ video ] slaying July 4 2011, 18:22:20 UTC
[ much later -- perhaps after he's gotten settled? buffy reviews the conversations and with a bit of a wry smile: ] Found some friends from home, huh?


[ video ] yrobtsvt July 4 2011, 18:29:19 UTC
I can indeed count myself so lucky, ma'am. [The video shows Bush doffing his hat towards the journal, and Buffy.]


[ video ] slaying July 4 2011, 18:30:10 UTC
...Oh my God, please -- don't ma'am me. You can call me Buffy. Pretty much everyone does. Mostly 'cause it's my name.


[ video ] yrobtsvt July 4 2011, 18:35:17 UTC
Apologies ma'a-- miss. Miss Buffy? Ah, pleased to make your acquaintance. [He doffs his hat again. It has been a very long time since William's talked to a woman. He may have forgotten how.]


[ video ] slaying July 4 2011, 18:38:12 UTC
[ she's about to tell him no, just 'buffy' when she figures...oh, what the hell. she lets horatio get away with it.

and: ] I heard Archie call you -- oh, what was it. Mister...Shrub? Mister...Tree? Bush!

Mister Bush. Pleased to make your acquaintance, too. Sorry about the eavesdropping.


[ video ] yrobtsvt July 4 2011, 18:52:46 UTC
[If this were anyone else, William would assume Buffy would was making fun of him. But this is a lady, and they're strangers in a strange land. Obviously she's being completely serious.] You can call me William, ma-... [Sigh.] Miss Buffy. You're not in the Navy, least I know.

I can forgive the eavesdropping. Not exactly England's secrets, up there.


[ video ] slaying July 4 2011, 18:54:29 UTC
William, huh? [ a slight nod. ]

And no. I'm definitely not in the Navy. I'm -- very Navy-free. And even if I wasn't, I'm very good at keeping secrets anyway.

[ ...no she isn't. ]


[ video ] yrobtsvt July 4 2011, 18:59:12 UTC
William indeed.

I didn't imagine you were, Miss Buffy. And might I ask how you know Mr Kennedy?


[ video ] slaying July 4 2011, 19:01:06 UTC
We might be friends. And by 'friends', I might mean that I'm the older sister to his -- ah, sweetheart. Whatever that equals out to. Plus also the friends part. There's definite friendage.


[ video ] yrobtsvt July 4 2011, 19:04:17 UTC
Might be? He's a good lad, that one; I do hope you're a good influence on his gentle mind.


[ video ] slaying July 4 2011, 19:06:39 UTC
What? No cautionary tales of why I shouldn't let him near my dear sweet little sister, ever? I'm disappointed. What are friends-from-home for if not for telling embarrassing stories and oh God never mind that I said any of that -- just in case you meet someone from my home.

[ all in one breath. ]


[ video ] yrobtsvt July 4 2011, 19:15:26 UTC
Begging your pardon, miss, but the less I have to think about Kennedy with anyone's sister, the better. Not to imply anything untoward, of course; I apologize. [William Bush: the epitome of smooth.]

[He has to laugh at Buffy's hasty reversal, though.] I daresay I cannot think of one single embarrassment to Kennedy's name; only credits and exemplary service.


[ video ] slaying July 4 2011, 19:17:23 UTC
See? That's boring. And here I was looking for a great reason to go and...[ the sunnydaler in her wants to joke along with something like go and break his kneecaps. but two years in this place has taught her to tone it down a bit. ease the newbies into the buffyisms. ]

Go and -- twist his ear. Violently. Protectively! Violently and protectively.


[ video ] yrobtsvt July 4 2011, 19:38:35 UTC
Don't think you need an excuse for that. Just catch him with that cheeky grin of his and that's all you need. [If a lady wants to twist your ear? You smile and say yes thank you. Archie's a gentleman, he'll understand that.]

Didn't know him long enough for any good stories, you'd have to ask Captain Hornblower. They were boys together, way I hear it.


[ video ] slaying July 4 2011, 19:41:10 UTC
...I think asking the best friend is off-limits. Total social protocol.

[ oh well! ] Guess that makes you a sailor too, huh?


[ video ] yrobtsvt July 4 2011, 19:48:16 UTC
I'm sure you could ask. He's not a chance against a pretty face.

I am indeed, Miss. Lately of the Hotspur, First Lieutenant.


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