0 knots.

May 21, 2011 20:50

For contact purposes, you can always find me here, or PM William's journal. WHICHEVER. I'll probably respond relatively quick.

Threadhopping/threadjacking with this character?: Go for it, man.

Backtagging/backdating with this character?: Yes, please. If something's up and you wanna backdate shit, be my guest. Just note that I have a tendency to drop threads if it looks like the thread is done. If you feel like it wasn't, though, or had something else planned for it later on, feel free to drop me a note and I'll start the thread up again.

Hugging this character?: Go ahead! Mind, that is very improper unless one or all of the hugging party is drunk, and such behavior will beg the response it is due. Unless William is drunk. In which hugs. And shouting. And searching for a whorehouse.

Giving this character a kiss?: See above. You don't have to ask my permission, of course, but most likely you won't get any tongue. Just note that, depending on who your character is, William will be either very confused, flattered or bewildered.

...And, no, there will be no dueling if a man kisses him. Fraternal kisses are not unheard of or particularly unmanly where William is from, Hardy, so he's not about to get offended and defend his own honor.

Something more intimate?: Ask first. Depends on the circumstances, but I'm not iron set against it, so we'll see.

Relationships?: If you would like to put your character through the misogynistic roller-coaster that is dating William Bush (because, yeah, he would only 'court' a lady, yes, yes, I too am disappointed in him), please contact me first, if I haven't contacted you already. I am not against noncanon relationships in RPland, but give me a head's up first so I can figure if everything is smooth and IC. Though honestly, if things are moving in that direction, I'll let you know.

Injury?: Hahahaha sure, but if it's anything more serious than a shallow cut, ask me first. I am honestly okay with William getting the shit kicked out of him as much as you want, but give me a head's up first, so I can plan accordingly.

(Go for the knees.)

Death?: I'm okay with killing William, but since he has a crew, ask me first so I can organize shit with them and make sure everything is kosher.

Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character?: Please ask first, so I know what your character'd potentially see. But other than that, yeah, I'm up for it.

Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: Do not, under any circumstances, tell him that book!him looses a foot / dies / becomes captain at one point. Everything else is totally fine. (If you reallyreally want your character to spill these particular beans, tell me first and we can work out how it'll go; it'll be interesting, but he'll have lots of THOUGHTS and FEELINGS on these particular subjects, so please don't go springing it on him willy-nilly.)

Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character?:

1. Lawful Good. Sloppy lawful good, but lawful and good all the same. Also, Hufflepuff and Stark.
2. 4th wall away, and wait for William to be most perplexed.
3. Won't 4th wall unless, something really special happens or your character is a historical figure that even William would've heard of.

And I think that concludes our little chat. If you've got any questions, feel free to leave 'em here! If you think you can stand more of my words, glory to you.


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