(no subject)

May 18, 2005 00:30

♣ i posted a bulletin today on this website of questions regarding some cell phones, and a friend of mine was nice enough to give me his uneeded quite new phone. five people responded to my questions within an hour. this doesn't seem like a "wow-people-are-the-best"/"how-important-is-that-?"-type of situation, but really in a way it is. the generosity of people just astounds me, and it doubtlessly restores my faith, love and hope for all of us people incessantly, outweighing the times when optimism and un-jaded-ness are not exactly the outlooks nor the resultant products of a particular day. s and i rode the asshole bikes to pick up the phone, a trip i estimate at fifteen miles, as we got lost many times. we dined at my two favorite very-close restaurants, perhaps the ones most favored in their genres: thai café on washington in lovely royal oak and the fly trap [but of course!] on woodward just a few blocks away here in gay-ass ferndale [i did not mean that. really. but it came out, and it will not be retracted. i revise only for spelling. ever. yes, that's thing number 5906 you don't know about me. i don't--i won't--revise. {by the way, that dash construction is how my nineteenth-century lit prof last semester told us to do it, but i don't agree. do you? it just doesn't look right. but i try.}]. thai café is hands-down the best thai restaurant in the metro detroit area. if you give me an example of another that uses fresh vegetables and not all/mostly canned, then perhaps some discussion can take place. the fly trap is the best of its kind. i had the green eggs and ham, which was absolutely amazing and made me regret having not opted for their egg dishes more often. eggs [tofu scramble optional] with provolone cheese and pesto. and ham [thing number 5907 you don't know about me is that i'm "on a diet" {i'm being absolutely serious}, and this is an official cheat for sure!]. and toast. and - and - and -- their jam is seriously the best. today was raspberry [?] ginger. man. i'm serious. they should start jarring it. this place is the best of its kind [which are found in other cities of course, but this is the sole one for detroit, i'd say]. i wish the weather would let up just a bit, as it's a bit chilly in here since the gas got shut off yesterday. i dyed over the red again tonight [am i kind of regretting this?], and i will be "going to bed with wet hair" for the first time in years, truly. a down comforter is a great investment for situations such as these. i become surprisingly chatty cathy [you know these dolls? from our moms' childhoods? it was the kind of doll with the pull-string that talked {i'd imagine one of the first of its kind?}. my mother actually uses the term chatty cathy when describing us as very talkative]. the last things i will say, however, is that i will be a states-traveler in the coming weeks, as i am "jaunting" [Main Entry: ¹jaunt Pronunciation: 'jont, 'jänt Function: intransitive verb Etymology: origin unknow 1 archaic : to trudge about 2 : to make a usually short journey for pleasure] a couple of states west and also going to san francisco for some time.

heres the drunk talk, you ones
i never want to go out again
just at home
only eat healthy cereal combinations
and imbibe myself with pill+cheap wine/liquor mixtures
and i tell you
[my father's speak, if you know, you know]
i could never turn the television on again
and be happy
and goodnight
i hate the smell of hair dye
it doesn't come off after rinsing, you know

i have said far too much
obtuse-ness [can this in any sense even mean openness?]
is in my nature
but it is not in my favor
i believe
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