I finally did it! yay!
I hope you won't beat me up if I tell you the whole work for all 7 colors including binning and renaming took me about an hour ^_^
It's just that I've strated drawing again. Manga stuff and such. Takes a lot of time
But hey, now I've got a graphics tablet, yay! So I may come up with some new hairtextures soon =D ...
ok, now the set. I forgot to take the BS-preview pics, but those of you who know my colors - they haven't changed, those who don't - go see other posts ;)
8k-mesh naturals
My teen boys allowed me to use them as models <3
DOWNLOAD with one file I can't mess up that much xD
for the straked set "FATALE MIRAGE" look
here there's sweet666 over in a german forum, who uses different textures to retexture hair. She also uses my edits of nouk's textures blended in with my own ones from time to time
here oh yes and one last remark - I won't ever create stuff for "the HORROR". If you still want Sims2 stuff, keep coming back here