Resouces and stuff... hair retexturers' paradise!!!

Oct 04, 2009 12:29

You know, I've got this one crazy idea. I extract all my sims from Sunnybeach to a safe place, so that their genetics wont be borked, and completely rework my Downloads folder.... because last night I downloaded so much stuff that I've got the feeling my game will inevitably extplode, sooner or later >.<
I've got about 3000 hairfiles - DO I NEED THIS? ... more than 2000 files of female clothing - and this? ... about 1500 walls/floors and -OMG- 4500 object/recolor files.... all in all about 16000 files [insert long scream here] ... most of that stuff is so useless.

I just hope I can identify everything I need and don't have to re-download stuff.

oh yeah, by the way, a ton of hairsets is coming up. I had one creative evening/night lately. I just have to make previews and stuff... just too bad most of the meshes are crap *not fun*

oooh yeah, I've got a GGODIE for you creators ^^ - textures!
I've included a bease texture and a set of recolored textures in all pooklet-colors ... btw, I'm going to remake 2 or 3 of them to suit my liking. I'll tell you

feel free to frankenstein it for your use, but please give a little credit, because I started this texutre from an absolutely blank canvas.


I saved them in BMP, so that full package is rather big. But I didn't want any loss of quality.

download BASE
download full package (16+ MB)

AAAAAnd another goodie!!! YAY!!!

If you want to tile the textures lengthwise or do some other modifying, youll need those - streak brushes! ... looks much much much better than gradients ^^

I'll give you the ABR-file only if you promise to credit me if you use them - pwettty pweeeasseee *puppy eyes*
beacuse these brushes are actually the only "original" thing that I have to offer... yes, the fear of getting useless is the doom of any creator, I think, forgive me my whining

see the effect (used as eraser on the very edge of the blue texture)


that's it for now, I've given away all my "special stuff" *cry* ... but I have one more insane idea what to do with pooklet's actions *muahar* I'll be back.

announcments, blah blah, resources

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