Jun 13, 2005 11:09
Apparently I'm a helpful person. This makes my day. Proof my days are as full as an empty bucket. But this day is made even better by the fact that Mrs.Parsons is gone, so the spellinbg test did not take an hour ('P, as in pnemonia!'). But ANYHOO.
Shopping at second hand store with lots of money (or none) to get $200 pants for $10. Life is good. Need Job. R%andomthoughts. For the reast of this period I'm not going to stop typing. And my train of thought will just go on and on and on. I'm hungry. I don't have a lunch. CRISIS! I'm inwardly fat. Hahaha, West Coast was fun. Jessica's are cruel. Death to cookies. Never mind. Had a bit of cookie. Quite yucky actually. Should never eat Joshes food again. Unless it's pie. He can't ruin pie. Bored of this typing challenge. Will end this before I embarass my self further.