BSG con and had a fantastic time with
sazzle_02 &
This has got to have been a one of the best cons I've been to. The journey was good (less time to travel as it wasn't based in London) Hotel was small and well situated. The guests were good, especially Paul Campbell (played the dearly departed, Billy), if there's any sense in the industry that guy will go far. Met up with a few friends and made a couple of new ones. Spent the last night with
sazzle_02 &
sazzle_02 and I played evil bitches from hell, ripping the con dances apart and more than a few of the participants! I must choreograph a con dance, to a decent track. As if!
Overall it was a good con, went to bed early got up even earlier than when I'm at home. Yes, I am that lightweight, Saz.
Got home and my two great nieces were here with my niece to greet me. Caroline had even got a meal started, so I only had to serve it up. I left the dishes 'til I got up this morning. ;)
Here's a little thing that made me laugh. Hope you get a chuckle from it too.
Gays In Space!
Bob Smith boldly goes where no man, woman or transgendered person has gone before.
Brazilian and Japanese astronauts have achieved liftoff but as far as we know the LGBT community hasn’t launched anyone into orbit. Out believes that NASA should rectify this omission because you don’t need a Hubble Space Telescope to see the benefits of having the gays in outer space.
1. “First Contact” will be made when a queer astronaut asks “How big’s your pocket rocket?” and an extraterrestrial answers “Which one?”
2. Earth is saved from alien invasion because the gays don’t trust Martians after they claim not to have any current shirtless pics.
3. Intergalactic Warp Drive is developed when gays discover how to travel faster than the speed of unflattering light.
4. In zero gravity, you can immediately double your benchpress.
5. In outer space it’s possible to tan 24/7.
6. The rings of Saturn will inspire the gays to start “piercing” the moon and other planets.
7. The ionosphere becomes a trendy neighborhood (IoHo) when gays fix up old Russian space stations.
8. Drag queens in outer space will be able to say “Darling, I’ve set my phaser to stunning!”
9. Gay astronauts “accidentally” beam all red state Americans to red planet Mars.
10. Thankfully, by the time news of your escapades on Alpha Centauri reaches Earth, everyone you know will be dead.
11. In space, no one can hear you scream, shriek, or emit other embarrassing unmanly noises.
12. Unlike most astronauts, the gays enjoy being swallowed by black holes.
That's all folks, I'm now going to have a play on LJ and see what's been happening.