Edit: March 31st, 2008
Things have been happening at a rapid pace. The general reaction to the world traveling at such a rate is to freak out or something, but I just have a headache, and a monstrous stomach want. (i'm so lazy, I have food in the fridge but I'm not touching it.)
I did a crapload today. And I still haven't done some. wtf?
I got Arcanica's diploma. It feels surreal to be holding an authentic DEGREE from UC DAVIS in my hands. I know, its not even mine, but there's a creepy tingly feeling that comes from anticipation.
Picked up this quarter's remainder check, found out that my debit card's not going to be around until "7-10" business days instead of "5," went to classes, and found out that one of my favorite fanfiction writers has died in a car accident.
Real life is starting to just kick in. just a little.
Anyways, music is really really crazy for this quarter. I'm kind of excited, but it's rather daunting. I think I just need to smash it, like way in advance.
Workload is HELLA DUMB. OMG. throughout the entire time "Kit Dalton" was talking, I just wanted to DIE. no joke. T_T
I have to write an AUTOBIOGRAPHY? MOTHERFUC****.
Edit: April First 2008
OMG, life has barely started today and I already got pranked. GAHHASDHGAIWENV!