Jun 24, 2010 22:13

Who is Molly Moon?

Molly Moon is an eleven-year-old "orphan", who grew up in a hard-knock orphanage named Hardwick House. After eleven years of scrubbing toilets with her toothbrush and taking baths in only ten centimeters worth of water, Molly found a book. A book entitled Hypnotism, which a man from America wanted. She took the book, and learned all of its secrets; she learned that she was a magnificent hypnotist. She had a natural talent! She entered the talent show that was just around the corner and won with her hypnotism--she hypnotized the audience. She won prize money, and raced to America, to find her best friend, that was adopted by Americans.

But, after realizing the errors of her ways (and a bank robbery which ended up in a bank... returnery) she came back to Briersville and fixed up Hardwick House so it was Happiness House. On one late Saturday, Molly stumbled back to the library she borrowed the hypnotism book from, and Lucy Logan awakened her from her hypnotism.

That was the start. Molly learned how to stop time, and she stopped Cornelius Logan from his plan to take over the United States, also learning that Lucy Logan and Primo Cell were actually her parents. She learned how to travel in time, and she saved herself from dying at the hands of a mad mahraja, returning her stolen younger selves to their time.

And then: she was told that she had a twin. Molly raced through time, into the future, to find and bring him back. Molly grew up more in six months than most people do in a lifetime.

After all that adventure, her newfound parents put their foot down and told her that she had to stay in one time, that life was not one big party. Molly craved for adventure, and she found it--one of the most life-threatening ones she ever had. She had to learn how to morph and stop an evil misanthrope who wanted to drown the whole world with her namesake: the Logan Stones. Maybe now, now she might settle down. Adventures that include cutting one's head open and almost losing her conciousness in someone else obviously means she needs to stop plunging herself into adventure.

... pff. Yeah, right.

What does Molly Moon look like?

Though her PB is Emily Browning, Molly has unruly, wild curly hair that goes down to her shoulders and pale, naturally blotchy skin. Her hypnotic, dark green, closely set eyes are the brightest feature on her face, along with her "potato" nose. Molly is very skinny; possibly from skipping meals (to her defense, rotten fish coated in a thick, gross cheese sauce isn't exactly good eats) and her natural fast metabolism. She's all skinny and bony legs and arms, she could probably poke someone's eye with her elbow.

Molly usually sticks to t-shirts and jeans, very rarely choosing a dress or a skirt. At the most, she's actually chosen a sari when she had to, to blend in with the Indian crowd. She usually runs around, so she usually uses sneakers (probably unlaced, knowing her).

Who are Molly's friends/family?

Rocky is Molly's best friend; they've known each other since they were babies, since they were both dropped off at Hardwick House a day apart. They've grown up together, and while Rocky's more popular than Molly is, they're practically inseparable.

Micky is Molly's new-found twin. He was whisked away hours after they were both born, far into the future, and made to work for a wacked Princess. His powers over hypnotism, however, were sucked out by the mind machine. Even if he doesn't have hypnotism, he's as good at morphing as Molly is. They're growing very close.

Ojas is an Indian boy Molly met when she was kidnapped to India by the Mahraja of Waqt. Since he helped them escape and go back to the future, they let Ojas piggyback to the 21st century.

Primo Cell is Molly's father. He was hypnotized by Cornelius Logan to run for the President of the United States, but was released from his hypnotism by Molly. He's more in tune with Molly than Lucy is now, and got over his shock of being hypnotized for eleven years rather quickly.

Lucy Logan is Molly's mother. She was also hypnotized by Cornelius Logan, but she was hypnotized to become a librarian and give Molly the hypnotism book when she was eleven, to basically fabricate a great hypnotist.

Cornelius Logan is Molly's uncle. Molly hypnotized him into acting like a lamb because of his quickly dissipating sanity.

Where does Molly go?

Hardwick House Orphanage

Hardwick House is the orphanage Molly grew up in, until she was eleven. The headmistress, Miss Adderstone, has a personal vendetta against Molly, calling her 'useless'. She hates her out of all of the orphanage children (even if she really dislikes children in general). It's a very old, crumbling building, that is in disrepair.

note: Hardwick House can only be accessible by time-traveling, since it changed into...

Happiness House

Happiness House is basically Hardwick House is a brand-new coat of paint. With Miss Adderstone and Edna, the horrid cook, gone, Molly's put a hypnotized Nockman and her kind, stammering nanny, Mrs. Trinkleberry in charge. Molly, with Rocky's help, cleaned up the orphanage and made it more livable for the orphans that she left behind when she went to New York.

Briersville Park

Briersville Park is not actually a park, it's a grand house. It belongs to Molly's parents, Lucy Logan and Primo Cell, but she, Micky, Rocky, and Ojas live in it (Rocky and Ojas as their adopted children). It has a large pool, and accomates a large elephant as well as all four children.

Coca River

At the mouth of the Coca River in Ecuador are the Logan Stones.

The Logan Stones

"As if transported from a dream and glistening in the rain, glowing red, gray, green and blue like alien objects, were the four vast weather rocks, the Logan Stones. They stood in a circle, huge, majestic, and utterly beautiful. One was orange, with red flecks in it that glowed as though the sun burned from within it. Another was shot with an array of tropical greens. The third was cloudy gray, with white flecks in it, as though both dark storm clouds and the lightest, fluffiest clouds inhabited it, and the fourth was blue--bright turquoise like Caribbean waters and deep blue like the ocean." (369)

As said above, the Logan Stones are four weather rocks in a circle in Ecuador, at the mouth of the Coca River. If a hypnotist stands in the center of the circle and uses the smaller Logan Stones located on the cover of the second hypnotism book, they can control all the weather on Earth.

What are all the powers?


There are three categories of hypnotism: full hypnosis, eye-only hypnosis, and voice-only hypnosis.

Full hypnosis means using both the voice and eyes to hypnotize a person. Sometimes, it also means the use of a pendelum, although it's not needed/touched on with Molly.

Eye-only hypnosis means, of course, using only the eyes. The eyes are charged with hypnotic energy, and usually causes an instant bout of hypnotism to occur. This, however, is a level that can only be reached by master hypnotists. Molly specializes in eye-only hypnosis, it's the easiest way to hypnotize for her, thanks to her closely set eyes.

Voice-only hypnosis utilizes only the voice to hypnotize. It takes a while to work, which makes it perfect for someone who's suspicious of being hypnotized--it's also the easiest way to reach a wide audience. Rocky, Molly's best friend, used to be skilled in voice-only hypnosis.

The warm "fusion feeling" is the trademark of hypnotism--once someone has been correctlty hypnotised, usually the eyes start to feel as if they're glowing, and the hypnotist's body thrums with warm energy.

Time Stopping

Time stopping usually requires a clear crystal, like a diamond or quartz. It's similar to hypnotism, except that it works by trying to hypnotize an inanimate object, not a person. The fusion feeling is supposed to feel cold.

Stopping time requires a lot of energy, and repeat time stops can only last so long, like folding a paper over and over--there's going to be a point where you have to let time go.

The "realm" of stopped time is very cold because nothing is moving which means there's no kinetic energy, no warmth.

Time Travel

Time travel requires two crystals: one green, one red. A red crystal pulls the user through the future, a green crystal pulls the user through the past.

Time travel is very sticky and jerky if the hypnotist isn't in tune with his/her crystal. The best crystals are usually scarred, old crystals--they can be "hypnotized" to work better, and since they are older, they have more time energy stored inside of them.

"Scales", or the toughening of skin into a leathery texture, is a side-effect of time traveling without a capsule. If a hypnotist time travels too much, even their insides become scaled, and they can die.

Time travel is stated in the Molly Moon series to be like a wheel, not a straight line--therefore, there is a "end" of time and a "beginning" of time, and in the beginning of time, there is a bubble that restores youth.

When one time travels, there is usually a big boom that is sound by those witnessing. This is because the hypnotist has suddenly disappeared, and the rush of the air to fill that spot creates a loud noise.


Mind-reading isn't quite reading as much as imaging. Mind-reading occurs when focusing on another person's thoughts, or mentally asking 'What are you thinking?' to another person. (Only another mind-reader can really answer this question, and that becomes weak telepathy.) This occurs in a sort of "thought bubble" that shows images of what that person is thinking.

It's very easy to mistake something in an image as something else. Mind-reading isn't that accurate, usually, unless you're a seasoned hypnotist.


Morphing, or, better yet, body-borrowing is one of the advanced abilities of hypnotism. Morphing into an animal and morphing into a human is different, as well as meegoing, which is turning into oneself again.

Morphing into an animal is easier, but still tricky. The hypnotist must find a pattern and wait until that pattern makes a different shape, and think of an image of the animal they are morphing into. Then, they have to think of them both together, and think of the essence of the animal before morphing. The hypnotist's body will disappear, and they will be inside of the animal.

Morphing into a human is much harder. While they have to find a pattern, they have to think of the person they are changing into at a different age. If they are morphing into a baby, they have to think of them as an egg, if morphing into a child, they have to think of them as a baby, et cetera.

Meegoing requries the hypnotist to recall the most recent memory of physical pain, physical pleasure, and their own essence. After they remember all of them, they have to layer them up one by one and think of how they would look. After that, they can exit the body of whoever they borrowed, back into their own body.

Body-borrowing is very dangerous. If the person or animal the hypnotist is morphing into is stronger than they are, the hypnotist can be overpowered and pushed down until their conciousness disappears. Staying in one body too long will cause the host to regain strength, so they can push the hypnotist back out, or overpower them.

!faq, !ooc

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