Title: His Bait
Pairing: Jaejoong/Sooyoung
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG (?)
A/N: Cause exams are finally over, here's my little gift for myself :3 Honestly speaking, I'm confused with the plot of this drabble but ah well. LOL
"Do you want to eat or sleep with me?"
All the backbone in Sooyoung suddenly broke off. Fidgeting and looking anywhere else but him, Sooyoung tried her best to slowly walk towards the door of his hotel room. Unfortunaltey, she was too slow that Jaejoong's eyes notice her motion. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him with his other free hand carressing her face. "Let go", Sooyoung muttered under her breathe and stared at him in horror. "You asked me to come here and clearly what I expected was wrong. Let go of me, Jae. Please."
It took her by surprise when Jaejoong did let go of her arm and walked over to his bed, sitting by the edge of it. Shame crossed his face, he still didn't know what to react with Sooyoung's presence. "I'm sorry." He looked up and Sooyoung noticed a spark of glitter in his eyes. He's crying.
Her conceince was whispering quietly to her and absent mindedly ran over him and hugged the crying man. "Oppa, don't be. That was all in the past." The closeness of their faces caused her to cup his face, her eyes moving from his perfect cheek bones to his sharp nose down to his pulped lips...that she once always loved to kiss. Sooyoung gulped at the sudden closeness but she didn't bother to let go. She liked it. And so did he. The hatred Sooyoung felt towards him drained empty when she saw his sincere tears cascade down his red tinted cheeks. She knew he regretted his dirty past. She stared down at him and in return, he looked up at her. They stayed in that position. Till the gap between them closed. A passionate kiss of longing were shared between them.
Jaejoong slowly let go of her hands and reached for her waist, tracing her curves before fully wrapping her petite waist. Whether done in purpose or not, Sooyoung rested her hands on his chest. It didn't really take long until they both ended up lying on the bed with Jaejoong on the top.
They both knew was about to happen next, but neither was sure if they have to go to the next step. Before proceeding, Jaejoong looked down at Sooyoung. She did'nt hint any nervousness of some sort. Should I go on?, he asked himself. He didn't know what to do, but out of blues, her voice interuppted his train of thoughts. "Oppa, remember the question you asked me earlier?" He nodded.
"Let me sleep with you, just for the night."
".....oh and you can cook for me tomorrow, so that means I can eat with you as well."
A chuckle escaped his lips, "Same old, Soo."