Sep 22, 2007 11:06
Well, I haven't written here in a long time, but this seemed worth. So about 3 weeks ago, I had been outside for a dance, and there were tons of mosquitoes out. So, naturally I got bit about 20 or 30 times. So when I felt a couple bits on my head, I wasn't too surprised about it. But then a week passed by, and those bites were still there, which I thought was peculiar, so I took a trip to the Beloit Clinic. The doc looked through my hair and said, "Do you have dandruff" to which he then plucked a hair out of my hair and showed me a small round ball on the end of it and replied, "You have lice!"
So he gave me a prescription and a packet of info on them and sent me on my way. It was a one day treatment to work over the next 10 days. I ended up finding out yesterday that the reason my hair still itches isn't because of the lice, but because that's how terrible the treatment is for your head. My entire head is still itching as I write this.
The first night I found the whole thing highly hilarious. Getting to tell everyone I had lice, instantly caused them to start scratching their heads. Some repeatedly for hours, which was great amusement for me. But then the next day came, and I realized exactly how much not fun having lice was going to be. The next week was spent trying my best not to scratch my head, combing my hair anywhere from 1/2 - 2 hours a night, washing my sheets every night (which added up to about $15 of laundry in the end), and not getting to really hug anyone. Every hug I got, the person always kept their head as far away from mine as possible, which is completely understandable, but not really a hug either.
On Tuesday, which was the 7th day after my first treatment, I decided to go back to the doc and see if I happened to be clean or if I should start my second treatment. The doc only found one egg, so she told me to come back on Friday, which would be day 10, and hopefully release me then. Well, I was feeling pretty good until Wednesday night, when I combed my hair and found 30+ eggs in it. Needless to say, I was freaking out that several lice had just hatched and were having a field day on my head. So I combed my hair very meticulously that night. The next night when I tried to go comb my hair, my lice comb was no where to be found.... So I had to just take a shower and go to bed. Finally Friday came and I went back to the doctor and she looked through my head for a good 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, she told me that she found nothing, so I must have done a bang up job combing on Wednesday night. She said I was lice free, but if I wanted I could comb for the next several days just in case, and if I found anything, to start the second treatment immediately.
So there is my story of lice...please never get them yourself.