Okay, so from when I last posted (Tuesday, the 10th) to a week later, I had somewhere lost 4.8 lbs BUT it was likely mostly water because I ended up with only a 1.1 lb loss. Not much, but something. Can't complain considering I'd lost my way once again, Things have been stressful.
Then from that week until today, I lost another 1.4 lbs. So, 2.5 lbs, not bad for 12 days. Of course, anyone would tell me this is a perfectly good rate of loss. I on the other hand say "we'll see, it could just be all water". This is because Over the last week or so I'd had my first aunt flow since having NIck. For all I know the weight I've lost in the last two weeks could just be water. I haven't exercised all that much, and haven't stuck to a strict diet plan.
The good thing is, I can be fairly certain that anything I lose next week will be "real" weight (hopefully fat not muscle) because I've probably already shed any excess water weight. I mean, people forget that in the first week or two of dieting and exercise, the drastic weight loss you see in those weeks IS mostly, if not all, WATER. Bigger bodies have a lot of extra tissue. That tissue is bloated and filled with water. That's just how the human body is.
Anywhoo, so yesterday I was on the treadmill for an hour with my heartrate up pretty high the entire time. That isn't hard to do when your heart is out of shape though. I wasn't even breathing very hard, but to push myself to breathing really hard would have made my heartrate so high it could risk injury. Kinda sucks because it makes me feel like I'm barely working and I LIKE feeling like I'm kicking ass, but lord knows if I'm this out of shape I don't need my heart exploding. I'll save the hardcore for when my heart gets stronger and can handle it. It is so embarrassing to realize I've let this happen, especially with my family history of heat disease and diabetes. I really hate to think what everything looks like on the inside... eesh.
Unrelated, a tragedy has made me realize that there is just so much more important things in life than the issues that have been stressing us out lately. We're alive, and we're taking control of being alive longer... but sometimes things can't be controlled as we found out yesterday. Ben found out bad News about his Boss' wife. Box works directly under and reports directly to Gene, who is the president of Home Services of Nebraska, so this is really hitting home right now. You may have seen it on the news last night, if not here is the most recent updated article in the Vail, Co newspaper:
http://www.vaildaily.com/article/20080621/NEWS/568744777 Ben's mom also worked with Mary, Gene's wife, for a long time. She knows her very well. Ben went to school with one of her sons.
We hope that things turn out okay and pray for a safe return. Our hearts are with the family.
And I sure am thinking a lot more about my own family right now too.