I love life...I really do

Aug 01, 2006 13:51

You know what rocks about being me...whenever i'm happy...I mean REALLY happy, it never fails for something to come a long and make me sad...take one of the best days in my life...my last Birthday...Brooke took me all over the place and honestly, i can't remember a better day EVER! I had so much freakin fun with that girl! we road a train, went to old orange town, ate at some hole in the wall! haha good times right?! a couple of days later, what happens?! well I go away for a ibt and my mom calls me telling me some bullcrap about my Dad being pissed at me cuz i never listen to him and when i get home my mother not be there due to the fact that she was pissed at my dad...whenever my mom decides to leave the house for a day..life at home gets retarded...what was the point of that little story you ask?? well it just so happens that yesterday my parents got into a huge argument. the not so cool thing is I was mentioned as usual. this time my Dad was all "i don't get along with Raymond, he doesn't listen to me or anything" and my mom is all "well Davd he's your freakin son! you should encourage/support him in the things he wants to do! the only way he gets your respect is when he shoves it in your face that he passed all his school classes when you told him he was gonna fail for alwasys going out" and then my Dad was all sayin some crap that he can't wait till Jesse and I move out and that he would kick us out if he could but my mom would never let that happen. then my mom said he wasn't a real father cuz no father would kick his own sons out to live on the streets and ya...i could go on but don't want to....the cool thing is i was really mad and stressed already cuz of my car issue but then Jenn starts talkin to me and wow i freakin love that girl cuz she always makes me laugh no matter what the situation! so ya as you can tell life's just goin for me! I don't know why all this family crap is happening...but its really starting to get to me...I honestly can't wait for school to start...I won't be home nearly as much once that happens :)
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