And life goes on...

Jul 11, 2006 21:32

I haven't updated in a while huh?? ok now, my Birthday wasn't the greatest but to be honest. I wouldn't have it any other way...i'm honored that i got to spend it with my grandpa. Man i thought i was over it all but i'm not...i went to my Na-na's house the other day to visit and when i saw all the pics of my Ta-ta and I at baseball games and stuff i weak am I?? lol i can't believe that happened...grrr i'm so mad at myself for that!! I gotta stop being sad over this! i know that he doesn't want me to! so ya...that's that.

ok...I usually don't take people's advice but not to long ago someone told me "when you think that everything has come to an end, that will be the beginning." Fuck LC...when you first told me that...i wasn't sure if I should believe in that but guess what?? you were right...thanks LC...out of all the people I talked to about this whole mess I was in YOU helped me the most...all your advice and, they inspired me so much lol no joke! thanks LC! for everything! right when i thought there was nothing left to really go on for life got very interesting...I was planning to stay home after the funeral on my birthday but then my friends called and demanded that i go to the Hilton to see them and ya...i decided at the last minute that maybe getting outta this place was for the best. so I went. I stayed there for about 5 days i think. wow, i didn't expect much to happen but they were all so nice to me and ya...I had so much fun! It was like a new start after all the crap lol and to make things interesting i got a call!! This chick totally called me and said she was sorry for all that was happening to me. At first i was just so out of it i thought "wow no suprise here, another person saying sorry" and i told her thanks. I was a little surprised though because I just met this girl and she was already acting like a really good friend to me lol. well anywho later that night she called me again! I didn't expect that and ya...she asked how i was doing so i explained to her all that I saw and did while i was with my friends. that I got to meet my all time favorite artist and i got her autograph! she was soo excited for me and ya...we just kept talkin about everything. I freakin loved it. the next thing you know, we began talking a lot lol like everyday...if it wasn't on the phone, it was through MySpace messaging lol everyday i was away with my friends at the Hilton, i was actually looking forward to her calls everynight it was like she was with me haha. when I woke up, the first thing i did was reply to her messages online haha it was like what i looked forward to every morning. my friends were getting really annoyed...they kept asking who I was talking to everynight and i finally told them It was Brittany. the funniest time was when I called Brittany, Sarah told me that her friend really liked me a lot and i didn't know what to say about that. well one day when i was away, she asked me if i would hang out with her and i said sure. i guess that was kinda a mistake because then she thought i was into her...well it got a little boring so I called Brittany! that girl got so jealous it was freakin hilarious!! well ya I got back from my little vacation not knowing how work was gonna be but it turned out no one said they were sorry for my loss...that was so cool!! the last thing I wanted was everyone to say I'm sorry raymond. but ya! the coolest thing happened when I got back! Britt came to visit me at work!! that totally made my first back! i'll never forget that!! it was soo cool!! i love that girl! and ya! for the last week or so, Brittany has been the only girl i've really talked to/hang out with. we talk everyday and to be honest I freakin love it lol this girl seriously makes me laugh everytime we talk and she's so freakin cool...I honestly thought i'd never meet someone who would blow me away like she did...but then here came Brittany...this girl is so like me i love it. our sense of humor is the same, she's down to do whatever when we hang out and ya! its so much fun to chill with her lol funny thing...she's a dancer and into theater lol what i really love about her is that she appreciates the little things in life...the other day she showed me her favorite spot in the whole was amazing! we were on like this little hill and you can see most of brea with the lights on! it was so freakin cool! this girl said she would totally like to be there then go out partying. I thought that was amazing! haha i'm so used to all my friends just partying! i mean, the other day Anthony called me and wa sll "hey man wanna get drunk" i thought at first maybe thats all life was about...partying. cuz i'm down with all that shit its just, i would rather spend my nights doing something else such as going to that spot Brittany liked and just taking it all in!! thats why when Brittany said what she said, i was soo freakin happy i met her. oh! and she loves the movies! thats like the biggest plus i can ever give! haha i freakin love the movies!! and to find someone else who appreciates the art as much as I do rocks! haha I also did something for Brittany i thought i'd never do for ANYONE!! i think about it now and wonder why i even did that...i guess I just love her that much!! haha what did I do you ask?? pshh wouldn't you like to know ;) anywho! this girl has totally helped me be happy again =) I love it how she makes me call her too haha she's all "call me tomorrow ok" and i'm like "no you call me!" and she's all "no! you're the boy!! you should call me!!" haha and ya..i ended up callin her haha i don't call anyone!!! she better feel loved!! haha well ya...i guess you can all tell She's the only person i've really talked to all week lol but honestly, i wouldn't have it any other way! I love her...she's my Angel lol she wants to take me laser tagging...I can't wait! sounds like fun! its so cool she likes to do shit like that! haha well ya i guess i've talked about her enough lol i guess you were right started all over again...i'm so glad you were right too...cuz I don't know what i would have done if things stayed how they were...i don't even like thinkin about it. i really hope life keeps going this way becuase i haven't been this happy in quite some time.
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