Feb 05, 2009 23:44
So I'm walking back from Gini's tonight and it's about 11:39, way past my normal bed time since I have to get up at 7. My brother calls me and he needs me to help Margie get into their apartment because for some reason the lock is really difficult. Oh so very lucky for him, and her more importantly. I was right frickin there, like right as he called me I was walking past G6 and they live in G2. Bam, I fiddle with the lock for like 10 seconds and there you go she is in and I am not inconvenienced one bit. Good timing Steve, good timing. Of course I probably would have went to help even if I had been in bed when he called because I'm a nice guy and as much as I don't really like his girlfriend he is my brother and I love him and I'd generally do anything to help a brother out, literally. Of course in the scenario that occurred I don't get to lord the favor over him for months to come after. Oh well, I'm just glad I didn't have to get out of bed.