Aug 01, 2004 20:47
Today I went to Katies house. I met her new boyfriend Jessie. He was cool and showing me how to work my own cellphone. Its pathetic, I dont even know how to use my own damn cellphone. Oh yeah, its new. My other one annoyed me cuz it never worked so I got a new one. Its a crap Nokia phone but ill be getting a new one in November.
I got the tickets for From Autumn To Ashes at the Downtown. I cant wait until Wednesday. I'm FINALLY meeting up with Matt. I am kinda nervous. I know for a fact I wont be talking much at all. I shouldnt be to shy since I've known him for about 4 years but oh well, I still am.
I want to get my second holes done so badly. I can get them in a few weeks but I want them like right now. Hopefully I can convince my mom to take me tomorrow.
Vals back from camp but I'm not as excited as I thought I'd be.
Summer school is over in two weeks. I'll prob go to Malverne around August 17th since school will be done, finally.
Kellys birthsay is Thursday. People need to tell me what we are doing. I also need to get her a gift.
3 days until FATA