hey! i got my job back! YAA! i know i never thought i'd be happy about that, but you know, its gonna be nice to have money in my pocket again. schools around the corner, and i know alot of people are like way dreading it but to be honest, i'm kind of looking forward to it again. at least the new faces part of it. i haven't been doing a whole lot, pat and garrett are in ca, and now trey is too with his girlfriend. and zach's always off doing his own thing so i've just been laying around with my guitar n stuff lately so i can't complain about too much other than the fact that i miss all of those guys.
i went to the TBS, AVA, Head Automatica show with jess, trey, kaycee and aubrie, it was incredible, aside from the part that i missed Daryl. very upset about that, don't wanna talk about it. haha, but the show was so fun, i ran into eric there and we hung out, and then i ran into my old band's drummer Dustin, kinda akward/nice but he was mega blazed so i don't think he even remembered haha
this upcoming thursday The Seasons Company has a show at the Hotbox here in ahwatukee, we're playing with last call for camden which im really excited about, cause they're really nice and i've been wanting to play with them again since january for the TKK cd release. anywho, if you don't have anything going on, it'd mean so much to me if you'd come out <333 here's the flyer if you're interested!
help promote, copy and paste this code everywhere! <333
well life is good, hope to see you on thursday! <333