Fell In Love With You In My Passenger Seat. (One Shot)

Apr 10, 2012 01:43

Title: Fell In Love With You In My Passenger Seat.
Author: youvegotitmade
Pairing: Jalex.
Rating: PG-13 because it's all fluff, but there is some swearing.
Disclaimer: Title and cut belongs to 'Passenger Seat' by The Summer Set, but the plots mine. I don't own the guys :c
A/N: okay so I was just drifting off to la la land when my phone decided to play this song and the first sorta verse gave me ideas but not enough for a fic so hey, one shot time.


You know those nights where you just can't seem to get your eyes to stay closed? Tonight was one of those nights for Alex. He didn't know why, because he felt tired, but his eyes thought differently. So there he lay, on his back in his bed, arms behind his head and earphones pressed in as he stared up at the ceiling of his room. His eyes drifted from there, down the walls of his room, over the posters that decorated them, past the pile of clothes in the corner, and slowly to the bright red numbers on his alarm clock. 2:45 AM. Alex grumbled to himself as he picked up his phone from its space on the floor. Seeing a text from his best friend when he brought it out of its sleep, his face turned into somewhat of a smirk.

Jack (02:38 AM)
'You still awake, broseph?'

he checked the time it had been sent at. 2:38. Alex lifted an eyebrow, Jack was normally completely out by now.

Alex (02:46 AM)
'You betcha. S'up? x'

He let his phone fall onto the covers of his bed, pushing himself up into a sitting position and picking up the small, cold iPod from its space under the pillow. He flipped through the vast collection he had on there. Finally settling on just having Blink 182 on shuffle, he smiled to himself. Tucking the iPod inside the waistband of his boxers, he hissed at the cold as he stood up, stretching until his back cracked, he padded across the carpeted floor, he crossed to the pile of clothes collecting in the corner. Picking up a grey pair of joggies, he inspected them closely. They looked clean enough. He shrugged before sliding them on. Turning around just in time to see his phone light up.

Jack (02.48 AM)
'I need to talk to you. I'll be there in five.'

The shortness of the text made Alex frown, ruffling his hair with his hand as he tried to think of a reply. Shrugging, he took out his earphones, placing them and his iPod down beside his bed again. Turning back to grab a tshirt and hoody from his floor and finally the beanie hat that sat ontop of his chest of drawers.

Alex (02:51 AM)
'I'll wait outside. x'

As quietly as he could, Alex pulled open his bedroom door, sticking his head round to see if anyone was awake. The only light on in the house being the bathroom on the landing, his parents kept that on during the night because of his mum's fear of the dark. Alex wouldn't admit it to their faces, infact he'd tell them it was silly, but it made him feel a lot safer during the night as well. Like nothing was going to jump out at him when he went down the stairs for a drink. Stepping out his room, he pulled his door shut quietly, tip toeing his way down the landing as quietly as he could. Passing his parents half open door, he held his breath, trying to turn his steps into one long one to pass the door in one go. Grinning a little to himself when he managed it. The stairs creaked slightly under his weight, but he was sure that wouldn't wake his parents. They must've been used to him getting up in the middle of the night. The tile floor of the downstairs hallway made Alex jump a little, ending with him doing an awkward little half jump/skip/run to the door where his shoes waited for him.

He slid them on quickly, checking he had his phone in his pocket as he unlocked the front door quickly, the keys rattling made him grit his teeth. The cold night air hit his cheeks as he stepped out onto his front porch, bitting down on the inside of his cheek, he locked the door from the outside, shoving the keys into the pocket of his hoody before running down his driveway. Just in time to see Jack's car headlights pull into his street. He smiled as the beaten up blue car pulled up beside him, the passenger side door being pushed open for him.

"Bonjour, twat." Alex grinned as he closed the door, Jack chuckled a little, pulling the car away from the kerb.
"Hey, 'Lex."
"Now whats so important that you had to pull me from my lovely warm bed at such a ridiculous time of night?" Alex asked, leaning forward to press the eject button for Jack's CD player, the CD that slid out made Alex wrinkle his nose as he discarded it into the back seat. Jack raised an eyebrow, smirking at the elder boy.
"I'd appreciate if you didn't abuse my CD's."
"Sorry, sorry. Now tell me what you wanted to talk to me about." Alex grabbed a CD case from the back of the glove box, smiling when he seen that it was Blink's album, 'Enema Of The State'. He slid that into the machine quietly, the whirling of it registering made him look round at Jack. "Jack?"

The boy was bitting on his bottom lip, his eyes, which were trained on the road, were red and puffy around the edges and his knuckles white from the grip he had on the steering wheel. His black hair didn't have the usual volume to it, instead it lay limp around his head. He looked worried. Alex frowned, reaching over the touch Jack's arm, shying back a bit when Jack jumped.

"Sorry." Alex laughed a little, Jack shaking his head. "You alright?"
"Not really, no." Jack sighed, pulling the car onto the motor way. Alex looked out the front window, watching the signs go past. Where the fuck were they going?
"Whats wrong?" 
"Mum's making us move." Jack's voice came quietly, almost completely drowned out by the music that was coming from the car. Alex's eyes went wide, his mouth falling open a bit.
"Seriously?!" He squeaked, he didn't know what he'd do without Jack here. He was his best friend, had been since they'd met almost six years ago. They'd gone through the whole of high school together in every single one of each others classes right up until their final year, where now the only class they had apart was English. Which Alex had gotten kicked out of a few weeks ago when he threw a desk at a wall in one of his legendary fits. Jack had laughed at the boy of course, telling him he was an arsehole and he needed to calm down. But most of all, and the bit that pained Alex the most, was that he was completely, utterly and head over heels in love with him.

"Mm." Jack nodded, pulling at the skin of his bottom lip again, a little line of blood forming after it. His eyes strayed from the road for a second to look across the seats at Alex. "Don't look at me like that."
"Like what?" Alex frowned, feeling his eyes tingling as he continued to mull over situatuions without Jack in his head.
"Like I've just drop kicked a puppy." Jack smiled a little, pulling the car off the motor way, the tires protesting as he tried to turn a corner too sharply, making him roll his eyes. The car was a piece of shit anyway, but his mum had bought him it for his seventeenth a few months ago, she'd spent all the money she had on it. Jack loved her for it, but it did leave them with nothing to get it fixed up.

"You can't leave." Alex frowned, seeing the sea out past the road infront of them, it clicked in his head where they were going then. The beach where the two of them had ran away to a few years ago. That tugged at Alex's heart strings, making his eyes tingle again.
"I don't want to, bro."
"Don't then. Come stay at mine, you know my parents love you." Alex's head spun to look at Jack as he pulled the car up at the side of the small beach, the engine cutting off and the music going with it, leaving the two sat in silence, just looking at each other.

"Lets go a walk." Jack mumbled, unclipping his seatbelt and climbing out the car. Alex followed him quickly, slamming his door shut, the wind roaring in his ears and the waves crashing against rocks a few miles down the beach.

They walked in silence over the deserted sand, the car almost invisible to them now. The only light they had was the moon bouncing off the dark sea. Alex's hands were shoved deep into his pockets, sniffing from the cold every now and then. Jack kicked small pebbles infront of them, a little amused smile on his face. Sighing out heavily, Alex looked infront of him again. Jack was leaving, and theres was nothing he could do to stop it.

"When you going?" Alex asked, making Jack look at him. The big, brown eyes staring back at him made his heart hammer. He stopped walking, Jack doing the same, the pair just looking each other in the moonlight.
"This afternoon." Jack mumbled, his eyes falling to the ground, Alex's mouth fell open. "I didn't want to tell you sooner because I didn't want you to be sad. I hate seeing you sad, 'Lex... I didn't want you to be upset."
"So you waited until stupid o'clock in the morning of the day you leave to tell me?!" Alex's voice raised, Jack not looking up at him, his mouth opening but no words came out. "Why did you think this wouldn't upset me?!"
"I don't know." Jack shrugged, looking up over Alex's head.
"I love you, Jack." Alex whimpered, Jack's eyes finally flickering to the elder boys. An emotion in them that Alex hadn't seen there before. Well, once, but that was when Jack had been looking at his first girlfriend three years ago. 
"I know you do." Jack nodded, keeping eye contact with Alex without blinking. "I know you do, and I love you too."

Alex froze, his eyes locked with Jack's.
"Wh- what?"
"I love you too, Alex. I don't know when I realised it, and I don't know why, but I do. You're my best friend, I'm closer to you than I am to my own mum for Christ's sake,  you're hilarious and beautiful and amazing and you drive me fucking insane all at the same time and I love you for it."

"Why are you doing this now, Jack?" Alex asked, his voice nothing more than a whisper. Jack shrugged, a little bit of a smile on his lips.

"It felt like the right time."  Jack nodded, stepping forward, kissing Alex's forehead softly. "I told you it all now because I know you'll get lonely when I'm not here, and this'll give you something to know that I do care about you. I'm not abandoning you. I'm only going to be a few hours away by train and you can come up whenever you want. I know you'll miss me like fuck, because I'll miss you too. And I know that you're going to be really pissed off with me for ages because I didn't tell you I was leaving until now, but I thought this might soften the blow a bit." Jack smiled, taking Alex's face in his hands and watching as his eyes started to pool with tears, chuckling as he caught one with his thumb, Jack kissed the boy lightly. "Come on, I'll drive you home."


Waking up again for Alex was hard, knowing his best friend wasn't just a few street away anymore. No, he would have been half way to his new home by now. His parents had still been asleep when Jack had gotten Alex back to his house, the pair sharing a kiss and an emotional goodbye before Alex made his way back to bed and cried silently to himself before falling asleep due to simple exhaustion. Sighing, Alex rubbed a hand over his face, picking his phone up from the bedside table. Unlocking it to find one of the messages from Jack on his screen, the one he'd fallen asleep looking at.

'I'll miss you, 'Lex. Honestly, I will. I promise I'll see you soon though, I'll come down as often as I can. Keep smiling that beautiful smile, okay? Don't let the bastards get you down, and remember, I love you. x'

rating: pg-13, pairing: jack barakat/ alex gaskarth

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