The Morning Afterlife. [8/?]

Oct 19, 2012 13:32

Title: The Morning Afterlife.
Author: Ree youvegotitmade
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: PG-13 for now
Disclaimer: S'all fiction. Title belongs to Kids In Glass Houses. Sequel to 'Here's My Heart In A Postcard, Darlin'.' which can be found  here!
Summary: This isn't how I wanted my life to go, Alex! I never wanted this!



Jack threw his car door open, practically sprinting across the hospital car park. Shouting an appology to the car that he just ran out in front of. But the driver just gave him a sympathetic look. He spotted Alex the second he got in the doors. Alex looked up at the sound of them opening. His eyes were red, and his hair was just flat. Jack walked over to him, and Alex jumped up, throwing himself into Jack's now opened arms. Jack kissed the top of his head, trying to soothe him by rubbing circles in his back as he sobbed into his chest.  The looks they were getting from other people waiting made Jack feel uncomfortable, so he pulled Alex to the corner of the room, sitting him down in one of the plastic chairs and kneeling in front of him. Alex wipped his eyes with his sleeve, looking at Jack.

"What happened?" Jack whispered, pushing Alex's hair off his face.
"I told you. She wasn't breathing and there was blood everywhere, I didn't know what to do..." Alex's eyes were wide, and Jack could see more tears forming in the bottom of them. Jack leant forward, pressing his lips to Alex's lightly.
"It'll be fine, baby." He sighed. Alex shook his head. 
"They've taken her into the I.C.U... I'm not allowed to go see her." Alex's voice was small, and the worry that Jack had felt in his stomach just got worse. 
"Alex, I promise you, it'll be fine. Okay?"

Alex looked at him for a few seconds, but nodded nonetheless. Jack let out a breath, leaning up to kiss his forehead, before moving to sit next to him. Alex cuddled himself into Jack's side, Jack's arm around his shoulders, holding him there tightly.

Jack had checked on her this morning, she was breathing then, she looked fine. How long after that did this all start?


Alex paced back and forth in the small waiting room they'd been moved to, and Jack watched him with worried eyes. They'd been waiting for almost six hours now, and with every minute that passed, Alex was getting more and more wound up. Jack was sat on the sofa in the corner of the room, what Rachel had said to him yesterday running through his head. She knew something wasn't right, and Jack had just left her. Groaning, Jack leant his elbows on his knees, resting his head in his hands. His phone was vibrating on the table, but he already knew that it was his work wondering where he'd gone, so he was completely ignoring it. He looked up when he heard a frustrated scream, seeing a pillow getting thrown at the wall and Alex stood across the room, he was glaring at Jack.

"What the fuck is taking so long?!" He screamed, Jack sighed, shaking his head.
"I don't know, 'Lex..."
"Its been hours, Jack!" He whimpered, running his hands through his hair and tugging at the roots. Jack stood up, crossing the room to his boyfriend quickly, untangling his fingers from his hair. Alex let out another sob, and Jack enveloped him in his arms, holding him tight to his chest, and for the fifth time that day, let the boy cry into his chest. Jack done what he'd done before, rub circles on his back, stroke his hair, whisper anything that he thought would be reassuring into the boys ear.

The door opening made them both look up. A doctor walking into the room, a clipboard in his hands and a sympathetic look on his face. Alex pulled away from Jack, wiping his eyes and staring expectantly at the doctor. He looked at the pair of them, letting out a sigh.

"How is she?" Jack asked, twisting his hands around each other. The doctor looked at him, looking like he was trying to figure out how to word what he had to say.
"You might want to sit down..."
"He asked a question." Alex snapped, Jack looked at him, shaking his head.
"She's not good. Sit down and we can talk." The doctor sighed, gesturing to the sofa. Jack moved, sitting down on the small sofa, but Alex stayed standing, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at the doctor. Who sighed through his nose and sat on the small coffee table.

"Her heats failing." The doctor started, and Jack looked at Alex, seeing his face fall. "The placenta detached, and the baby's suffocating. And, we can only keep the baby alive if we get it out of her -"
"Then get it out!" Alex snapped, the doctor looked at him with a sad expression on his face.
"It isn't that simple." He sighed, "Her heart isn't strong enough to go through that right now, the chances of her surviving that are slim to none."
"So what you're saying is, we have to decide wither or not to keep my child or my best friend alive?" Alex's voice wasn't as hard as it was before, and Jack could practically see his heart breaking.
"I know its a difficult decision..."
"Thats an impossible decision!" 
"But we're going to give you time to mull it over." The doctor finished,  looking at Jack. Jack nodded, swallowing and standing up. The doctor followed, smiling lightly at them both as he walked out the room. 

rating: pg-13, pairing: jack barakat/ alex gaskarth

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