I love spending every day with Denise. There has not been one day since school got out that I have not seen her face. She is everything you would look for in a person. If she was a man I would marry her. If you did not say happy birthday to her, you should be shot. Dinner was fun, Chad/Becca/CHRIS HANLEY/Amy/Todd/Paco/Elliot//the crew.
I miss Chad Okland.I have only seen him once this summer. I miss how we used to be best friends.
I miss the old Amy.
I miss Ian.Even though he talks to me like an Irish man, I still miss him.
I miss Lenny. He was always such a good face to see when you were having a bad day, that smile was so contagious.
I miss Amanda Lawler. Having a class with her was so fun, she could make you laugh in a second. And her innocence makes you want to be a better person without such a dirty mind.
I miss Carter. I miss him so much it could bring me to tears. I miss sleeping with him until 2 in the afternoon. I miss driving around aimlessly together singing N'SYNC songs. I miss how he always showed me a side of him he never showed anyone else.
Warped Tour was fun. Met some whack people. Talked to the guys from THE Q for awhile, awesome. This guy from the TDF booth, hella sxe talked to us for literally an hour. And a guy we met while watching TNE followed me around a bit when I lost Denise and kept telling me to take my piercings out.
The days before warped were terrible. Found out my uncle died so his funeral was in the city. He was a cop. About 200 cops at the funeral. I have never seen so many in one place, and I have never seen so many cry.
Went to SF again on Tuesday to go see the pre-screening of Anchorman, that didnt work so we just went to Chinatown, then went and sat by the water for a bit.
Summer is good minus the fact that GREG ROWLEY left today for Virginia, he mom sent him packing for no reason. I will miss him talking about how my brother is hella cool. I will miss drawing tatoos on him and viceversa. I will miss his drunken slurs. I will miss how we wrestled in the street at 1am.
Denise and I saw ANDREW today! EXCITING AS EVER!
If you have made it to the end of this entry, you are my hero. And here is an emo picture...