Oil pool found in Gulf and my life + school

Sep 05, 2006 17:09

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A trio of oil companies led by Chevron Corp. has tapped a petroleum pool deep beneath the Gulf of Mexico that could boost the nation's reserves by more than 50 percent.
A test well indicates it could be the biggest new domestic oil discovery since Alaska's Prudhoe Bay a generation ago. But the vast oil deposit roughly four miles beneath the ocean floor won't significantly reduce the country's dependence on foreign oil and it won't help lower prices at the pump anytime soon, analysts said.
The proximity of the Gulf of Mexico to the world's largest oil consuming nation makes it especially attractive. And it could bring pressure on Florida and other states to relax limits they have placed on drilling in their offshore waters for environmental and tourism reasons.

Is it me or is there really no plus side to this new reservoir of oil?

My new major = good.
My new classes = good.
Starting back to work on Thursday = not so good.

This time last year the leaves were starting to turn in Providence and I was living on the 3rd floor of a house with no air conditioning. Sam was in Tennessee and I was cursing myself for ever thinking that running away from everyone/thing was a good idea. What was I thinking? "Hey! Why don't I cut myself off from everything and everyone I know, move to a place I've never been to before, and go to an ivy league school, to which Tulane doesn't even hold a candle?"
Seriously, in retrospect, best idea ever.
I hated it that entire time there, but Rhode Island had its moments.

I'm so glad that fall is rolling in. The humidity isn't so oppressive and I'm now able to sit on my porch in the evenings and read.
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