Twisted by the dark side, young Skywalker has become.

May 12, 2005 12:56

So, there's these nerds that have been waiting outside the Grauman's Chinese Theater in LA for six weeks waiting for Episode III. Now don't get me wrong, I might be a Star Wars geek too, but I wouldn't go as far to waiting six freaking weeks to see a god damn movie three days earlier. I mean, come on.

Anyhow, there's a payphone outside the theater and the number was leaked on the internet. People all over the world have been calling and pranking the phone, and somebody always answers. A radio station pranked them, reporters, and some guy with a Darth Vader soundboard pranked that was pretty funny.

So, it's my turn now.

I called up and here's the conversation I had:

A guy answered and he's like, "Hi. This is the Star Wars phone line for losers with nothing better to do than to call up and say useless things."

So then I played a Palpatine clip where he's like, "The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."

Then he goes, "Wow, you're a big geek aren't you?"

To which I replied, "I'm not the one standing in line for 100 hours!" and I hung up.

Another guy told me they have to sign in on sheets and the more hours they put in, the closer to the front of the line they get.

For those who want to call them, here's the number: (323) 462-9609
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