May 03, 2004 19:04

K, so this weekend was okay.. I went to Westfields by the railroad with my sisters to see warrent and excalibur and greg t.walker again, it was fun..there was this guy I saw earlier when I went to the mirror..and later he came up to me asking if I wanted to play pool with him.. so Yea.. I went, his name was Scott. and he was 16.. O MAN!! I was like "DUDE.. MEET MY SISTER, CHERYL!!" lol, it was kinda crazy, he's pretty cool though.. It was Really loud that night and we came home about two.. I immediately fell asleep.. I wanted to go to church the next day.. Nothing happened at church though. It was good that I went though!!

Today was okay.. Lol, in theatre Amanda and I were having a great time with our script..for some reason it can never get old with her as a partner!! But when I came home I fell to sleep automatically OH BOY was I tired.. *yawns* only when I did i had this really cool dream.. i think i can make a successful movie out of it one day.. i just have to remember it lol

I talked to Jennis today!! she's so great, I swear.. I need to find a date for the banquet..but I dont know who to ask.. I dont think I could get the courage to even ask a guy.. ANd no.. It cant be Matt *frankly.. I wouldnt want to see what he looked like in tights[[since it is a faerie tale theme]]) And I cant invite Max (even though I would like to see him in tights!!.. heh!!) because it's not his thing...

I gotta start this exercising routine ALL over again cause the weekend screwed me up.. And I HAVE To cut out ALL sugars!! I'm sooo ashamed *gasps* I had like TONS already today.. *whines* But ITs SOoooooooooooo SOooooooooooo GoodD!! heh. jk.. I'm not complaining, It's all good!

JULIANNS A HO!! SHE KNOWS THAT SHE'S A HO!! *background singing* HOOOO

lol, jk.. it's all fun and games
<3 Ingrid
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