There are times when I am proud to live in this country. I know that I will recieve fair wages, have a right to live and work where I wish. I have the right to speak my mind on any subject, and I can choose which religion, if any, I wish to follow
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I know a few people who were for Prop 8--not because they don't think homosexuals should be allowed to marry, but because they were worried that the way things were currently stated, churches could lose their tax exemption. No, a religious head is not required to perform a marriage that goes against his/her religion, but apparently if they refused the use of public church property for such a marriage, they could. And that's what tied some of the people I know up. They worried that those people who believe strongly against it (as they have a right to) would still be forced into doing something under the law that went against their beliefs (thus, also going against the separation of church and state). I was against Prop 8, just FYI
I think this issue will most definitely be revisited and that gay marriage has a very good chance of becoming a reality (in fact, I'm almost positive it will someday). I think they just need to get the wording of the law right so that even the people who are against it due to their moral and religious beliefs (not the radicals probably, grant you) will agree to it based on the principles of equality we as US citizens are entitled to.
I just want my rights, dammit.
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