i don't write in here often, but

May 07, 2007 00:05

this semester has been by far the most stressful i've ever had. but it's probably been the best and i'm finding that ending it is a lot more depressing than i thought it would be.

all year i've told myself that this would be my last year in sapphires. i need to focus more on school and i could work more, plus i've been killing myself for business manager things and this bitch in the reservations office has made me cry too much to ever want to go back there again. but i can't really imagine life without them, or singing, or end of the semester concerts. and really, it's been a shit-ton of work, but i'm glad i did it. i think having a leadership position and having to work with the school made me a lot more disciplined and just better all around. and i think i like my school a bit more now.
i'm a little afraid of getting depressed next year without the singing and the organizing and the community.
also, i've taken more classes than ever this semester, and i've actually learned things(noticeably so this semester). my goal was to take these classes and have a 3.0 gpa by the end of the semester because i fucked myself over freshman year with latin. i am not stupid and i deserve to make good grades. i just finally decided that even though i may not have wanted to go to college here immediately, i should suck it up, because i am, and i should do well because i can. plus, i think knowing now why i'm here helps. anyway, my classes have been the best- especially conservation biology and film and literature (and maybe economics, but only because economics is an interesting topic, the class was nothing special).
i just feel like i'm at the end of an era, and i'm going to miss things. hell, maybe even my apartment, and the 20 minute walk to school everyday. these things have just made me a lot stronger, and i hope i don't lose that.
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