I'll Wake Up Older

May 15, 2005 00:23

They say that "New York City in the spring is a thing of beauty". I agree, but i also have to say that spring in it self is a thing of beauty. Its the season of life, of re-growth, of tulips, softball, picnics, and love.

Maybe Emerson, Thoreau and all the New England poets were right about life. Transcendentalism standing alone seems so vague and cold, but when put into personal relationships and the world as we know, it seems so natural and current. The cycle of nature applied to human life, could create a romantic out of the deepest cynic. The patterns are easy to see: the winter of our discontent, the death that we blame on fall, the heat of summer, and the joy, the absolute bliss of spring. It is spring that gives hope, of rebirth, of reconstruction and love. Love, and more love. Family, friends and others, on a perfect spring day is there no greater desire than to just be with love ones. To drink and be marry.

If you ever hear someone say New York City or Cuba or Walden Pond or anywhere in the world is beautiful in the spring, you can reply in the only way i know how. By saying every thing is beautiful in the spring, you are beautiful, I am beautiful, We as a world are in our element in the spring time.

So Play, Laugh, Lust, Dance we are upon the greatest cycle in nature.
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