It's been a while since I last updated.

Feb 18, 2009 18:00

I love the fact that it's 6.00 and it's still light out.

I didn't have a working computer for most of January and the beginning of February. It sucked having to stay really late at school to finish lesson plans and such, or go to Grand Valley and stay late in the labs getting everything done. I bought a cheepy computer to get me through the semester, and hopefully my computer can be fixed.

I'm student teaching at Creston High School in downtown Grand Rapids. I've got mostly 10th graders, with some 11th and 12th graders thrown in, in World History I and World History II. I like most of my kids as individuals, but when they get together in class they kind of suck. This week has been going really well so far, and it's really nice to come home from school and not be angry and ready to drink. I feel like I'm just now starting to get somewhere with my students, but the trimester ends next week, and then I'll be getting new students at the beginning of March. I might have some kids from World History I in World History II next tri, but I'm not sure yet.

One of my students, Alejandro, has a crush on me. Alejandro is a Mexican thug who boxes. He said that since he can't remember my name (I wear my employee badge everyday and I've been there for almost two months now), he was going to call me wifey. And he asked if I would ever date a Mexican, and showed me his driver's license so I would know that he is 18. He also tried to teach me to tango one day. When asked how he wanted to study for his exam next week, Alejandro told me he wanted to go to the strip club. Awesome.

I'm going to Poland from May to June for a study abroad trip. I've been feeling very restless and like I'm having a quarter-life crisis and I just couldn't stand the thought of moving home and working a million jobs all summer and sitting around my house. I'll be studying Polish history and economics at Cracow University with a couple other Grand Valley students. After, I'm going to stay with Florian's mom Eva in Cologne for a little while, and maybe with Florian in Passau. I'm not sure how long I'll stay in Germany just yet, but hopefully long enough so I can see more of Europe.

I love Michigan, but I just need to leave for a little while so I can appreciate it more.
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