Apr 09, 2006 16:06
Wow... this weekend was soooo busy and hectic!
Oh yeah, Wednesday was my birthday and it absolutely rocked!!!!♥
But starting with Friday we had rehearsal... then I hung out with Dylan. =]
Saturday I had to be at the Opera House at 8 in the morning for rehearsal... which went miserably. Ragtime, Turkish March, and Falling were fine. But Heartburn and One... not so much. The music was messed up for Heartburn... then one was horrible. Amanda accidentally kicked me in the ankle with her character shoes on and it hurt sooooooo bad. Gah.
Then I had to teach and stuff back at the studio... then came home for like 2.5 then went back to the Opera House at 1 to get ready for the first show at 2, we blocked One so the spacing was better... everything went fine, except for One. It was okay until the very end... there's a kick line and people started clapping and we couldn't hear the end of the song soooo... yeah the end was terrible.
Then after that we went to the studio to eat with Manadnock and Jimmy's kids. Jimmy's kids talked to us a lot. Then I came home and Dylan came over for a bit, then it was back to the Opera House for 7. Then the next show was at 8. Heartburn was our first dance... and the music cut out three times but other than that it was awesome. Then Falling went really well. Val didn't get to do Turkish March because he foot, but it still looked pretty good. Then Ragtime, I don't think anyone messed up. =] One was sooooo much better in the night show. A couple people messed up at the end, but it wasn't too bad. And the music was so loud at the end when it surprises you that it scared everyone, and we all jumped. =P Then after the show I went to Friendly's (of course) with Sarah, Abby, Spencer, Nick, Meghan, Katie, Kelly, Kayla, and Sara.
Then today I went to the studio at 9 for classes. I took Jimmy's class, of course. He's so awesome and he's coming back this summer. =] Then I took jazz with Amy. It was okay, not my favorite class, but it was good. Then I just hung around the studio for a while... now I'm here... doing pretty much nothing until I hang out with Dylan. =]
But overall, it's been a good weekend... despite a few minor things... it's been good. =]
And anyone who performed this weekend-- Good Job! =]