So I finished this EPIC picspam just in time for
mylittlepwny 's "post something doctor/rose every time someone writes 'prairie dog'" meme. I also find it fitting that I'm posting it on a Saturday, day of Doctor Who. I've worked really hard to finish this, and it took me a week to get it done, so if you feel the urge to share it with others please go right ahead. Picspams are meant to be shared and viewed by many after all.
This is how this picspam works: because of the size of it it cannot be contained in one LJ post without crashing all your browsers with the immense awesome overload caused by the hotness that is Doctor/Rose (also because I made these graphics huge, and there is a lot of them). So I am splitting it into three posts, it works out nicely this way because I based this picspam off 3 of Pablo Neruda's sonnets. HOWEVER, I MUST STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF VIEWING THE POSTS IN ORDER. I planned it out this way and you just won't get the same effect otherwise.
This is my Christmas in July present to all you Doctor Who fans (^___^)
My love, if I die and you don't- ,
My love, if you die and I don't - ,
let's not give grief an even greater field.
No expanse is greater than where we live.
Dust in the wheat, sand in the deserts,
time, wandering water, the vague wind
swept us on like sailing seeds.
We might not have found one another in time.
This meadow where we find ourselves,
O little infinity! we give it back.
But Love, this love has not ended:
just as it never had a birth, it has
no death: it is like a long river,
only changing lands, and changing lips.
Translated by: Stephen Tapscott