(no subject)

Apr 30, 2007 19:58

Comment and I will give you 3 interests on your list, and 3 icons, for you to explain in your journal.

1. dark water
dark water is refering to the japanese horror movie, not actual dark water lol. i'm addicted to asian horror movies (well... asian movies in general but horror especially) i just can't get enough of them! dark water is one of the classics. you either like it or you don't, it's one of those movies that leaves you going wtf? but then most asian horror does... here's a review from snowblood apple

2. inkheart
one of my favorite books! it's actually a young adult series, but most of the books i read are lol. there are going to be 3 books total, the second is already out, called inkspell. they are written by cornelia funke who's amazing. it's about a father and daughter, the dad is a bookbinder and has a special power that whatever he reads comes to life. well i don't want to give too much away but they both end up inside a book. and what's even more exciting is that it's being made into a movie, due out next year XD i'm so freaking excited, just look at the AMAZING castlist!

3. bento
i'm in the beginning stages of becoming obsessed with bento lunchs (japanese style lunchboxes). i have a couple communities friended, and everytime somebody posts pictures of their bentos i get so hungry lol XD they look so delicious! however i have yet to actual attempt to make one myself, i need a reason to! and i also need to get some supplies before i can.

i like to have at least one icon that doesn't have an idol in it or is drama related lol. this kimono icon kinda serves that purpose. plus it's just pretty XD i like how the handbag is sort of modern in contrast to the traditional kimono.

this is an icon from otsuka ai's "smiley" video. besides the fact that i adore ai-chan, i like it because of what the shirt says, and also for the negitive space.

this is from ayumi hamasaki's "&" single cover. it reminds me most of the song "greatful days" which is on the single. the lyrics are really summery, and seeing how summers going to be here shortly, i needed some more summer icons. i really like the cropping and coloring in this icon.

today finally got to watch the korean movie "i'm a cyborg, but that's ok" (it's upload in the jdramas community if you don't have it yet) which i have been dying to see ever since i heard it was being made a year or so ago. mostly because bi rain is in it, and he's one of my 87 husbands XD but seriously, it was an excellent movie. it must have been so much fun to play in, because it's all about crazy people. i freaking adore bi's acting abilities, how does someone so hot be able to be such a big dork and hilarious at the same freaking time?! he's adorkable.

as soon as i got done watching it, immediately i was like "i need to make icons!" because the cinematography is amazing @_@ however i'm waaay out of practice, and my icon journal is dead. i don't feel like reviving it, so i think i'll just post them here... i dunno if i even want to share them in communities because my skills are so bleh right now.







if you do happen to use any, please credit.

and i also have a small request for 
finaldistance if you feel up to doing it. i would like an animated icon from the movie, and you are the best in my opinion. if your too busy right now i totally understand. i just figure that you might want to anyways, since i know you love bi and all ^_^ there's this part in the movie where she hits rain's character a bunch of times and then kicks him, i think it would make a good animated icon. onegaishimasu! *bows* 

icons, bi rain, meme, asian film

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