Apr 09, 2004 00:35
there are things I will never understand. Today I was feeling really good. I felt joy. Then this guy said something that was almost a slap in the face. I don't understand the owrld, and i know the world doesn't understand me, and that bothers me. I really wish people could know things about Life that I know. I love God with all my heart and I pray that he keeps growing me up and showing me more, good and bad. After all, that's what it takes to learn.
I really wish I could have clarity on this one issue in my life. Whether I should be in a realationship or not. I know that when you agree to one, you agree to all the hardships and all the good times, butI just don't like the... emotions that come along with it. Like, the physical aspect of it, I just don't feel like it. I know thats something that's up with me. I just don't want to be physcial at all. I keep asking what God is showing him and what he's learned. I guess I just want to know where he stands in his relationship with God. (is that bad to do) I know, No man sould judge another man's walk with God, but I just want to know his faith. I really don't like how I get so frustrated about having a boyfriend. I thought it would make me happy and that was before I realized you can and need to be happy with yourself completely. I just want a friend and I can't seem to just get that out in the open. My problem I guess.
Wow. Feels nice to get all that out. ..maybe..<3