Jul 26, 2005 23:02
I love my friends.
I mean it when I say that they all have different and unique and perfect qualities. They're not the kind of people whose absences go unnoticed.
And I love having friends from all different groups in different places with different backgrounds and outlooks and everything. That way I am always surrounded by a new perspective or something that I hadn't done before.
And I love meeting new people. There is absolutely nothing better than driving around with your best friends, meeting new people with all new friends and everything.
I love it.
Tonight we went down to the Gibbons School playground. It was absolutely wonderful. It was dark and perfect outside, and I was just with such good and hilarous people. I swung on the swings and played on the jungle gym and ran through the grass barefoot and it was so perfect. The fact that this was the same thing I used to do seven years ago when I went to school there made everything even better.
I know I'm being sentimental and overanalytical, but by no means am I overexaggerating.
I love my friends and the people I know now, and the people I have known, and the people I haven't met yet.
Everything comes together so much easier when you just let it happen naturally.