It wasn't Harvey Dent that woke up in bed this morning (sorry, Brooke) but Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law!
...That pretty much meant a 6'6" dude with big wings, a superhero mask and a business suit hopped out of bed this morning.
"AVENGER!" Harvey shouted, standing on his bed dramatically. "MY PERSONAL DIGITAL ASSISTANT!"
Out of nowhere, a purple eagle flew in and dropped a PDA into Harvey's hands.
"I wonder what's on the ol' daily planner today," Harvey said, poking at it for a moment. "Avenger! How do make a "t" again? Do you cross it or...with the lines..."
The bird CAW'd at him a couple times.
"No, no, that's what I was doing. Oh, I got it. No, wait, this is my e-mail. Potamus wants to know if I got that thing he sent me," Harvey mumbled. After a moment Harvey gave up and tossed the PDA behind him. "Whatever! I'm sure if I have a case Peanut will let me know. He's a great clerk!"
Peanut was a terrible clerk.
"What do you say about me and you getting some burgers, buddy?" Harvey asked. Avenger nodded eagerly. "To...THE BURGER PLACE!"
And with that, Harvey bounded out of the room.
[Establishy! Harvey now thinks he's
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law. omg I love this show]