Sep 16, 2005 01:34
the random thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere scare me the most. like i was closing the window with the picture of the man walking thru a puddle of blood and i was thinking about his shoes. what the fuck. the other night i was fucked up and thinking about formaldehyde (spelling?) while cooking something in the microwave and i had to stop for a minute after that and reflect on what the fuck was going on in my head. i tend to do that alot. i write about everything in here and im thinkin that translates into nothing. saw someones post about a certain roof and the post gives me reason to believe its accesible now. no idea who they are thou. i sure hope so. cuz god damn. napalm death. i told myself i was going to sleep early tonight. im not. im going to get up now and go crawl into my attic to see what it looks like. ive been meaning to do that for the last hour. i also need to wash my face. its uncomfortable. my back hurts too. im full of complaints. good thing i have a sink, im getting up soon, and i found a book on fixing bad backs in that magical metal container. also, i got a book on all the indian mounds in this area. gonna go find myself some calusa remains. calusas were some bmfs. they were punk as nails. god damn if i ever met someone who used that phrase seriously id marry them. for sure, for sure.