I'm NOT MAKING A REAL BULLETED LIST but am going to be doing a lazy little dash list.
- went shopping in the morning for concert-wear.
-- concert-wear includes shoes that have flamingos on them but are brand new and half a size smaller than they ought to be. Remember this, it is a reoccurring theme.
--- also chatted with the guys working at Boathouse, and later saw these three guys my age. They were standing all beside each other and one was all "OKAYOKAY oh the count of three. 1... 2... 3." And then they started walking down the hallway all in step together and beatboxing / humming a themesong for themselves. Much love.
- got to Toronto.
- met up with
kasdan. wandered our way towards Kool Haus, wandered farther, went to Tim Hortons when my feet started to hurt.
- skulked at a busstop and what we thought were the front doors (they weren't). Listened to soundcheck. Squee'd.
- Went to the Loblaw's. It's HUGE. And they had these like, escalators that didn't have steps and they were insane and had EVERYTHING and was as big as a small town.
- Walked again; found the real front entrance! People were sitting there! Only like. Eight, though, so we sat beside them.
-- These two guys came up beside us later; one started chatting and the other was broody mcbroodenstien. He was Tom and Broody was his nameless brother!
--- Broody McBroodenstien decided he was going to Loblaws; Tom told him to go get him an apple and some broccoli. Broody left; came back like, an hour and a half later, having missed the Loblaws right across the street.
- The Edge Intern Army showed up, but they were too early! O noes! So they pulled out a hackeysack and we all started playing. I cannot play Hackeysack. The end.
- Found out that McBroodenstien was not Tom Sr. but actually named Bob. I'm not sure if I believe either of them.
- Because he missed Loblaws, Tom only got an apple. The Interns started calling him Apple, and I started snickering.
- Found some guys who could actually play Hackeysack; they pwn'd us. One did this thing with like, catching the hackeysack with his shoulders all bent over and then doing robot-esque movements to make it jump off and the hackeysack was SO GROSS like. It had rolled in coke and ketchup and god knows what. And then Kas threw it REALLY HARD and right into my kidney, you are not fooling anybody, lil missy. But it was gross.
- Got into the Concert at 8.15!
- Waited an hour for
The Walkmen to start playing-- They weren't half bad! Way way way better than we were expecting.
- Waited another like, half hour-45 minutes. Chatted with Security guards, they were pretty cool.
-- The second they came out, all we could smell was pot. Coincidence? I think not.
-- So fucking amazing. So high energy and Ricky was DEFYING PHYSICS and bouncing and we were right against the barrier and just to the right so we were right in front of Simon. Simon's pants were painted on before the show we are absolutely sure. He also danced by spinning around and hopping and was totally in his own little world, it was awesome.
-- Ricky had a glass of beer he kept drinking through-out the show. They went off before being pulled back for an encore (they hadn't even played Angry Mob, hello). Upon their return-- RICKY'S BEER WAS FULL. It's all a plan, I swear.
-- Crowdsurfing was to be had.
- We went to buy stuff at the little shop (I bought a 35$ shirt, ouch, BUT IT'S A KAISER CHIEF SHIRT FROM A CONCERT so I don't care. And a keychain, too), and Kas wanted to buy a button from the Walkmen, who were actually selling their own stuff. (We thought it was the bass, right, but I'm starting to think it was the guitarist because he had a sweatervest on, but the bassist didn't. Must review photos, although he was on stage left and there aren't any of him, EITHER WAY) And she didn't have the 2$ for it and he didn't have 18$ change so he was like "Just have the button!" and we were like "WE CAN'T DO THAT" and he was like "No really it's fine!" So I looked for change and gave him a twoonie.
- Afterwards, we had like, an hour before our train, so we just hung out and Kas had a hotdog and made a phonecall. Some dude came over and sounded vaguely crazy. We watched the Walkmen pack up into their van and I wanted to wave but then we didn't and they probably think we suck. I'M SORRY, WALKMEN. YOU WERE REALLY NICE. SRSLY. in case they're reading this or something? Oo'
- started towards union station
-- found out that we were two blocks away and the TRAIN WAS LEAVING IN FIVE MINUTES
-- booted it. My feet will never forgive me. I have a patch the size of a loonie on my left ankle that HAS NO SKIN and about the same on my right that's one giant oddly-shaped blister.
- got to Kas's house. fell asleep.
AND PHOTO TIME. please note: I realize they are all dark and shitty. It was a concert, that's what concert photos look like, to my angst.
us and the barrier. kas is sleepy!
This would be the Walkmen's Bassist. Who also played the piano/organ. Wikipedia says he is Peter Bauer.
And that's Hamilton Leithauser, who has one of the best names in the world. Also Walkmen (durrh); AND I THINK THAT LITTLE GUY IN THE CORNER (Paul Maroon) is the dude that sold us the button.
Nick is walking on the stage, HOMG.
Nick's getting to his drums, homg! And Whitey is, for some reason, doing a spin or something. He was on the far left of us.
AND THERE ARE ALL OF THEM, well, not Simon cause he was too far to the other side, but there are some really good photos of him later, so it's okay. And the head of our security guard.
ahehehehe ricky wilson was like RIGHT THERE.
MORE RICKY. yeah. most are of him, kthnx.
hello nick. you are too far away for me to take pretty pictures of.
hello to you too peanut. ditto.
Ricky likes pictures being taken of him, I say.
And I like taking pictures.
Simonsimonsimon in the dark.
AND, OF COURSE: my 10 second sideways video.