Hardy har har. Since everyone waits for my update. Uhh. Friday night I went out with Nikky, Nate, and Athena. Twas pretty cool, minus nate breaking the window at krystals and us running from the cops. Hahaha. Cops are always good times, right? I was rather annoyed I didn't even get to hug james goodbye since hes moving to ass-fucked orlando now. But, I suppose he just doesn't care enought about it, to have made an issue of SEEING me. Oh well. I have better friends then that. Uhm. Tonight I went with
lostpoeticpunk6 Aka nikky to old shit. We got SOAKING wet which was amusing. Some UGLY fat kid was like " yo can i have your number? "
Nikky and I: No.
Kid: Well, okay.
Me: Usually you atleast ask someones name before just asking for there number.
Him: Well, what are your names?
Nikky: Allison.
Me: Jen.
And then the kid left. But we saw him again and..
Him: OH ALLISON! Give me another chance.
Nikky: - looks around - Uhh...no.
Lmao. <3 Twas grand.
Oh yes, and then we came home and sat around watching blue collar comedy tour. Nikkys mum came to retreive her and then me and my brother went to get Cathy (
deadlittleboys. We went to Denny's and got some grub, left and came back here. Played scatergories. Uhmm..Twas interesting. I won because Im just that damn good.
Interesting part of the night:
Sup allison?
" Race.....black "