
Feb 26, 2006 17:18

Last night literally was the most amazing night of my life that i've ever had. It truly takes the cake in the happiness factor. I found myself doing things I'd only dreamed of, and going further than what i believed I was truly capable of. I found true beauty and peace in a hubub of filthy commercialism. I found stars in the sky from six stories up. I turned completely numb from the cold, and loved every minute of it. I heard music played that i never thought even exsisted, and became completely enraptured in the moment. I found perfect harmony between trouble and love. I sang like i've never sang before. I walked closer to a heartbeat than i ever could have dreamed of. I heard stories wild and unimaginable. I said things I've always been afraid to say. I was more relaxed and at ease than sleeping next to a fireplace on a cold day. I am truly thankful, and to be honest, this was something that I really needed to stay chipper....or at least something i very much longed for. Last night honestly has given me an entirely new outlook, and is something that I will never forget. It was wonderful!!!

Also, I have written two new songs in the between yesterday morning and early this afternoon, and I actually like both of them!

Got an ashtray from my great grandma
I don't smoke anymore but i think i'll keep it
Case one day when I move out,
Get real drunk and I'm thinking about
All the things that I hope to do....
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