"stop me if you think that you've heard this one before"

Dec 11, 2007 13:02

its been a while.

stress of finals and paper writing consume my life...
as well as editing my final project for video production....

its been a crazy semester and next semester will be even crazier.
next week ill be back home for over a month and without job.

i'll be home alone most of the time while friends are at work... one of my closest friends at home is going into the air force and is leaving for texas next week so i wont see her for a while. so thats gonna be sad going home and not hangin with her...

as usual, no news in the romance department. there never is.
but for the first time, i can truly admit that im okay with it.
if i dont find someone, i actually feel like ill survive and its not the end of the world.
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