i dont know you and i dont want to till the moment your eyes open and you know.

Oct 12, 2007 00:25

im fed up.

im sick of being used.

i feel like im just like a connection to other objects or people.

whether its to get to another or to get booze or to get love advice.

arent friendships supposed to be a two-way street?

and what makes me even more fed up is that one of the people i used to have a crush on (who i considered a good friend) barely speaks to me anymore.

he uses you and then spits you out and moves on to someone else to hang out with. unless alcohol's involved. then you're his best friend.

why do i ever have crushes on assholes?

i guess its either that or on gay men....

and the few that like me, i dont like back and the ones i like dont like me.

aint that a bitch.

i just want someone to like me for me. not for what i look like. not for hookups to parties.

but for me.

thats a rare find nowadays.

thats's probably why I'll end up in a box with hairless cats and 30 year magazines to keep me company. anyone else wanna join?
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