Jan 11, 2005 15:45
[1] Name: Sammy
[2] Age: almost 16!
[3] Sex: female
[4] Star sign: aries
[5] B'day: 4/7/89
[6] Nicknames: why did you ask this every time... Sammy, Sam Sam Sammy, Tadpole, Yaun Chue Tadpole Warrior, Blue, Jen, Samster, Samster the Hamster, and the list goes on.....
[7] Hair color: brown
[8] Long Hair/Short Hair: short but getting longer!
[9] Eye color: blue
[10] Height: 5'3" i am growing!
[11] School: Cypress Lake High, but soon to be Midpark High again)
[12] School colors: Purple and Yellow, but soon nasty brown and orange
[13] Grade: 11th
[14] Fave male teacher: Mr. Winter! Chemistry Rocks!
[15] Fave female teacher: hm..... don't know
[16] Worst male teacher: hm... don't know
[17] Worst female teacher: Mrs. Graham!
[18] Fave subject: Chemisty!!!!
[19] Worst subject: English
People You Know...
[20] Funnest: hm... all of them! I miss you guys!
[21] Funniest: oh godd.... Andy, Eric, Aaron, well if you get all my friends together they are all funny.....
[22] Best for advice: Angela, Amy, Jaime, Veronica, Britt
[23] Prettiest: all of 'em
[24] Ugliest: that is mean. none of my friends are ugly
[25] Nicest: all of them... when they want to be. lol
[26] Meanest: we all can be mean but no one is the meanest
[27] Smartest: Angela and Andy
[28] Best friend: Angela and Amy and Jaime and Veronica and Britt
[29] Worst enemy: myself!
[30] Wildest: stick all my friends in a room and give them sugar and hillium and you wouldn't be albe to decide... but without that stuff probably Andy
[31] Craziest: Me!
[32] Loudest: Rose
[33] Quietest: hm... me
[34] Most calm: Angelica
[35] Best for guy advice: wait.... which guy gives the best advice or who gives the best advice about guys? if its the first one then either Andy or Aaron. if its the second one then Angela or Jaime or Veronica or Amy or Britt
[36] Who know's all your secrets: all of my secrets... Angela
[37] Whose secrets do u no: i know some from everyone. but i think mainly Angela
[38] Shyest: me
[39] Teacher's pet: Joelle
[40] Who gets in most trouble: Andy.... well not really trouble unless at home but i remember math last year with andy.
[41] Class clown: Andy
[42] You <3 the most: this isn't a fair question. i love all my friends. but someone who i owe a lot to and has helped me for the past god knows how many years... Angela
[43] Most understanding: Angela
[44] Most trustworthy: any of the ones named under best friends
[45] Best hair: um... i dont know
[46] Biggest flirt: Andy, Rose, Aaron
[47] Best handwriting: hm.... i don't know
Do you…
[48] Believe in god: yes
[49] Dress up on halloween: nope
[50] Like to travel: kinda... i hate planes and airports
[51] Ever have the falling dream: yep
[52] Have stuffed animals: yep
[53] Believe in magic: um not really
[54] Do your own laundry: yes
[55] Clean your house: yes
[56] Own a furby: at one point
[57] Like hugs: hell yeah
[58] Like kisses: um i dont know yet
[59] Have a job: yes
[60] Keep a diary: yep
[61] Wear make-up: yuck! hell no
[62] Wear glasses: no cause i wear contacts
[63] Have any peircings: 5 on my ears and my belly button
[64] Want to kill someone: sometimes
[65] Love Someone At The Moment: i dont knwo if i love him but i do like someone
[66] Who: no comment
[67] Know the national anthem: some of it. if there is music then yeah
[68] Talk to yourself: yes
[69] Talk to your pets: yes
[70] Snore: nope
[71] Books: harry potter or any gorey stuff
[72] Kind of chain letters: dont know
[73] Poems: almost any
[74] TV shows: anything on mtv, and a bunch of others
[75] Male singer: kenny chesney
[76] Female singer: shania twain
[77] CD: i ain't choosing i have too many
[78] Bands: oktooooo many
[79] Movies: harry potter, lotr, dawn of the dead, Napoleon dynamite, elf and it goes on
[80] Musical: hm... don't know
[81] Song: hm.... a lot
[82] Website: xanga.com
[83] Music Award Show: None.
[84] Music Video: none
[85] Soda: none and its pop!
[86] Fast Food Place: um... subway
[87] What do you get there: subs lol
[89] Kind of pizza: cheese
[90] Ice cream: cookie dough, superman, vanilla, cookies and cream, mint chocolate chip
[91] Holiday: xmas
[92] Thing to do in winter: sled!
[93] Thing to do in summer: hang out, swim, walk,
[94] Thing to do on weekends: hang out with friends
[95] Dream vacation spot: italy
[96] Place to shop: pac sun, aero, hot topic, kohls...
[97] Thing to do on a rainy day: talk online
[98] Thing to do on a sunny day: talk online, blade
[99] Color: yellow
[100] Magazine: hm....
[101] Place in your house: my room
[102] Place to be alone: my room with the door locked
[103] Kind of house: apartment
[104] Place to live: OHIO!!!!!
[105] Kind of occupation: graphic artist
[106] Memory from childhood: hm... many of those
[107] Memory with friends: does this past summer and winter break count?
[108] Party you've ever been to: xmas eve party at grams... kinda scary
[109] Are you straight, gay, or bi: Straight.
[110] What are some of your pet peeves: people being idiots!
[111] What are some of your phobias: being alone, trampolines
[112] Do you want children in the future: yes
[113] Do you want to get married: yes
[114] How many fillings/cavities do you have: i think 2
[115] Are you right or left handed: righty...
[116] What posters do you have on your walls: sadly only one but it has pics of all my friends on it
[117] What kind of house are you in: an apartment
[118] Have you ever broken a bone: yes (i am a freaken hazard to myself!)
[119] Have you ever had stitches: not yet
[120] What's the weirdest place you've ever made out:
haven't made out yet
This Or That...
[121] Peanut butter/Jelly: peanut butter
[122] Drive/Walk: drive or walk
[123] Good/Bad: both....
[124] MTV/Comedy Central: mtv
[125] Ice/Roller skating: how about blading?
[126] Purse/Wallet: wallet
[127] Chocolate milk/Regular milk: chocolate...
[128] Tall/Short: i'm short but i like taller guys
[129] Blue eyes/Brown eyes: dont care
[130] Books/Movies: both
[131] Comedy/Horror: both but i love horror
[132] Lights On/Off during a movie: Off.....
[133] Theater/Video: Theater.....
[134] Red/Blue: blue
[135] Top/Bottom: ......
[136] Morning/Night: night....
[137] Chocolate/Vanilla: both
[138] Cat/Dog: dog
[139] McDonalds/Burger King: dont know
[140] Metallica/Nirvana: metallica
[141] Coke/Pepsi: yuck!
[142] Black/White: both
[143] Left handed/Right handed: right....
[144] Mom/Dad: um mom
[145] North America/South America: north ......
[146] Football/Rugby: football
[147] Gold/Silver: silver....
[148] CD's/Cassettes: CDs.....
[149] TV/Cinema: cinema....
[150] Video/DVD: DVD....
[151] Glasses/Contact lenses: i contacts
[152] Brown hair/Red hair: brown
[153] Chinese/Italian: italian
[154] Ocean/Sea: niether
[155] Sun/Moon: moon.....
[156] Plane/Boat: boat...
[157] Early bird/Night owl: both
[158] Jaguar/Mercades: mercades
[159] Yellow/Blue: yellow
[160] Windows/MAC: windows.....
[161] Eminem/Dr Dre: eminem.....
[162] Buffy/Angel: niether
[163] Basketball/Baseball: baseball
[164] Curly hair/Straight hair: straight
[165] Mars/Snickers: niether
About Guys...
[166] What do you look for in a guy: nice, very
willing and understanding, reasponsible, caring, funny
[167] Good guys/bad guys: lil of both
[168] Long hair/short hair on a guy: depends
[169] Older or younger guys: a lil older
[170] Do u have a bf: nope
[180] Who:...
[190] Who do you like: no comment
[191] Tall or short guys: taller than me!
[192] Fave hair color on a guy: don't care
[193] What's the most you've done with a guy: i went on date. well blind date/double date
Are you…
[194] Frigid: what???!??!1
[195] Gay: No.
[196] Bi: No.
[197] Lesbo: No.
[198] Straight: Yes!
[199] Evil: sometimes
[200] Good: most of the time....
[201] Christian: nope
[202] Single: like always
[203] Taken: like never
[204] Crazy: yes
[205] Immature: i think i can be sometimes
[206] Mature: most of the time
[207] Quiet: most of the time
[208] Loud: nope
When Was The Last Time You...
[209] Left your house: today for school
[210] Slept: i got a couple or hours last night
[211] Got mad: hm... the other day
[212] Ate something: like 1 hour ago
[213] Showered: last night
[214] Watched tv: this morning
[215] Friends came over: when i lived in ohio. which would be like a year ago
[216] Ate ice cream: last night
[217] Kissed someone: never
[218] Went to a movie: um... winter break with my gramma
[219] Cried: the other day
[220] Talked on the phone: last night with my mom
[221] Ate nerds: long time ago
[222] Drank grape juice: never
[223] Went skating: in the parking lot yesterday
[224] Went to the doctor: a couple of months ago
[225] Got grounded: never!
[226] What for:
Who Is The Last Person You...
[227] Talked to: jeremy
[228] Talked to on the phone: my mom
[229] Called: my mom
[230] Kissed: no one
[231] Said I love you to: ....
[232] Got angry with: my dad
[233] Bitched about behind their back: my dad
[234] Cried about: my dad being an ass
[235] Had a crush on: no comment
[236] Punched: probably my dad
[237] Fought with: my dad
[238] Visited: my friends in ohio!
[239] Talked to on msn: aim.... jaime
[240] Hugged: i dont know
[241] Went out with: no one
Are You...
[242] Understanding: yes
[243] Mean: i think i can be
[244] Nice: yes
[245] Open minded: yes
[246] Insecure: sometimes
[247] Talkative: not really
[248] Trust worthy: yes
[249] Interesting: i dont know
[250] Smart: yes
[251] Dumb: can be
[252] Moody: no
[253] Organized: yes
[254] Messy: no
[255] Angry: can be
[256] Sad: can be
[257] Happy: when i am in ohio
[258] Crazy: yes
[259] Calm: yes
In The Past 24 Hours Have You...
[260] Had a serious talk: no
[261] Hugged someone: no
[262] Fought with someone: i will soon
[263] Cried: no
[264] Laughed: yes
[265] Made someone laugh: yes
[266] Bought something: no
[267] Cut your hair: no i am not gonna cut it for a while
[268] Felt stupid: yes
[269] Talked to someone you love: yes
[270] Missed someone: hell yeah!
[271] Been dumped/asked out: nope
[272] Kissed someone: nope
[273] Broken the law: nope